Compensation Interview W/ New York Life Tomorrow...Please Help


New Member
Hello everyone. I have my compensation interview tomorrow with New York Life. The hiring manager has told me that this will be my last interview before I'm brought on board. I understand that there is no salary to negotiate, however, are there any other perks or benefits that I may be able to negotiate with? I've been in sales and owned my own business for 6 years. I previously sold it when the real estate market crashed. I'm 25 years old and feel like I have a lot to offer. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Ask for orphan accounts. Old agents who left NYL leave their clients behind and they need to assign a new agent to those clients.
Another good idea. Is it possible to negotiate on cell, gas, internet reimbursement or am I way out of line?
Have you talked to other agents in the agency? Have the rookies been pleased with the training, what do they like and dislike? Is there an experienced, successful agent that will let you birddog for him?
Unless they've (NYL) changed dramatically, there aren't many perks besides a desk in the bullpen. Orphan leads usually go to established agents. What NYL offers is excellent training and educational opportunities and brand recognition. I don't think you're going to get cell perks, internet or any thing else outside of "agent discounts" from vendors that really aren't that great.

The thing is you are interviewing with a successful company, they are not going to give away the farm. A free cup of morning coffee? maybe.... but I recall them as very tight outside of TAS.

That said NYL is a company that if you produce, you'll get. Their compensation system was set on production first, then perks. I doubt that this has changed.

Good luck.
Thanks LGilmore...that's good info!
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Any ideas on what I should expect to be offered for a commission structure?
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Hey jsmiii,
I'm kind of in the same boat as you. I'm young and new to the insurance industry but got offered the job. I'm doing all my research right now but am mostly worried about the first couple months with compensation, etc. How did you find it? Were you able to stay afloat with housing, bills, etc?