Condo Associations - Ghosts!


1000 Post Club
So I constantly run into problems trying to figure out how condo association policies cover individual units because NOBODY ever knows who to contact. It's not like these condo associations have offices or anything like apartment complexes.

So who runs condo associations? Just random groups of people who are condo unit owners that have no published addresses or contact information?
Most of larger complexes is Florida are professionally managed by companies like Rizzeta. Smaller buildings can be tough. You have to find out who is on the board or president of the association.

State laws vary but I believe in Florida if there is a condo association is present they have to cover the units up to the drywall. If it is legally a home owners association that can change things.
There is only two ways.. bare walls in or all in.

most of the large condo writers write it as all in (at least that is my experience)
The homeowner (or your client) will know because they're making their HOA payment to someone.
or its all rolled into their mortgage and they are clueless.

The homeowner (client) most likely is getting HOA mailings of some sort. They were given a copy of the HOA covenants when the bought the property. They must know who the HOA president is who lives in their association. If they say "I du know"!? It's because they're lazy. Put it back onto the homeowner (client) to supply you that information.
I always review their condo bylaws before writing them. They spell out what the association policy is responsible for insuring.