I respectfully disagree. I started writing LTC back in the late 80s. Things are much more involved now than they were... and continuing to change still. All of these in depth home health assessments -- taking up to an hour -- that was less likely back in the day. Younger and younger people now have to go through fairly hardcore underwriting like the seniors once did. I'm talking about ppl in their mid 40's even. APS's, tight Rx screening, the works.
Mutual of Omaha has really tightened the screws in the past 10 years compared to before.
Properly qualifying a prospect before an app is submitted and underwriting begins, now that is a different story. We qualify people the same way, just more thoroughly, of necessity.
Regardless, I have always been thorough. Nothing has changed in my world. You have your underwriting guides. You review your client's health history, and you tell them if they can get approved or not. With your experience you should have a high success ratio on all of your submitted applications. I know I do.