I just did this very thing. I ran 14,000 inserts twice for $1,600 including the printing. I already had my own business reply account and paid for the returns (about $1.50 each.)
I did it on pre-need funeral insurance. I recieved 16 replies. MOST of the replies have been the poorest of the poor and the sickest of the sick.
I've made three sales from it so far paying about $2,000. I have one more lead (husband and wife good ages good health) that I count on about 80% that I will close within 60-days. I have about 3-more that I give a 30% possibility to.
I don't consuder this campaign a success. I have had much better results with direct mail and seminars. I will do this again and tweek my insert to try for better results.
Are you located in a city, small town or rural area? Don't you think this affects your return rate? I have been thinking of doing an insert for final expense. I've heard of agents using inserts with great success, especially when they show monthly premiums. I like the fact that you get the replies fast and can follow up while still fresh in their mind. Did you design your own or was it provided by a company?