Could You Retire Without Social Security?

This Guys a Fool: When the depression left the country broke Insurance companies were more solvent than anyone. The wbole AIG deal is B.S. the Insurance divisions as we know have separate funds in separate entities of which remained perfectly solvent even if AIG went down in flames.

Let me have my 13% of gross income a year and put it into some fixed annuity or dare I say it Life policy and I'll have a hell of a lot more SAFE money than Social Security could ever give me. The fact that this guy calls giving money to the feds safer than an insurance company tells me who he voted for!
This Guys a Fool: When the depression left the country broke Insurance companies were more solvent than anyone. The wbole AIG deal is B.S. the Insurance divisions as we know have separate funds in separate entities of which remained perfectly solvent even if AIG went down in flames.

Let me have my 13% of gross income a year and put it into some fixed annuity or dare I say it Life policy and I'll have a hell of a lot more SAFE money than Social Security could ever give me. The fact that this guy calls giving money to the feds safer than an insurance company tells me who he voted for!

And we haven't even mentioned if we controlled the money and passed away our beneficiaries could benefit from our accounts instead of the spouse choosing her or our SS.
You don't earn enough to pay taxes?



Sometimes I wish I dont!

But old farts like you are going to bleed it dry to the point that when I reach retirement age the "retirement age" will be well past 80.... thats if there is even any money left at all
Retire, what is that? Who wants to retire? I don't intend to retire unless health forces it or I get too old to do anything.
I'll never retire again. I tried it and it's not what it is cracked up to be. Must keep working or doing something even if it is volunteer work.