Coventry Application Tracker

Probably a dumb question. I just went to the App tracker for the first time. When I log into the website, I log in using my email addy and password. When I try and log in to the app tracker it asks for a user name and password but does not accept what I use to log into the website. Where do I get my username and PW? Is there a place to register?

I know I'm a little late with this reply, but better late than....

If you go to the Broker Portal, there will be a link to info about the App Tracker and how to log on. While you are there, click on the link for the tutorial on the program. You will have a lot of your questions answered in the tutorial.

I logged onto the App Tracker before the tutorial was posted a couple weeks ago. Found it to be a little difficult to understand how to use, and then when the tutorial was put up, it cleared away a lot of misconceptions. You definitely will benefit by viewing the tutorial.