Coventry, where Are Our ACA Commission Checks? Anyone Get a Check Yet?

i didnt put anyone on Aetna here but, my friends that did say they are only paying commission on the portion that the individual has paid. Aetna is waiting on the govt to pay their portion and then will pay the remaining commission? Guess i said that right? In Duval county FL, we only had Aetna and Coventry to offer if you didnt sell Blue. However, in Orange county FL, Humana was very strong for my clients there and i have been getting paid monthly since January by them....hmmmm....
In Duval & Volusia, Coventry has paid me for March and April effective dates. We were told that we'd have any remaining April and all May commissions 3 weeks later. That hasn't happened. I've heard that Humana is paying consistently in Georgia as well. I'm not understanding why Coventry is having such a hard time paying commissions. On the Medicare side, they were great.
i agree...they were amazing on the medicare side. loved them. ACA side is not so good right now. If Aetna is taking over paying commissions, we may not get until who knows when. guess we will get some nice checks eventually!
The word from Coventry now is that, yes, Aetna is taking over the payments. There should be a payout in "early June". There is no certainty about what effective dates are being paid out, possibly March and April. After this initial payout in June, agents can expect commissions every 2 weeks until all ACA commission issues are resolved. This should be by the end of summer. Then commissions will be paid monthly. Please note: Coventry gave us this same scenario in April except it was 3 week intervals. I know that all of this is leaving a bad taste in a lot of agents' mouths for Coventry and Aetna.
There was once an almost 12 month wait for some BCBS commissions for new MAPD program in my state a few years ago. The agent meetings had some interesting scenes a couple times...
Here in SC&NC, Coventry of the Carolinas contracted with Healthplan Services (Tampa) to admin IFP business. Our first commission run for on exchange business had a run date of 4/15 - though we didn't see the $$$'s/statement until much later. As I understand it, the bad data feed from CMS that has allegedly caused the commission delay was a result of HPS. I have been told that comp has run correctly in states where Aetna administrated things.....
Maybe they do the admin in Virginia. A Coventry service rep called me a couple weeks ago.
"Can you confirm for me the intended effective date and premium for this insured? We are just getting some of these matched up and issued"
She also mentioned that it may have already been done, they are making sure.
I wondered all along why their data feed would be so much worse than other carriers. Thanks.