Cracking Down on Health Insurance Companies

Probably unique to NC but I thought it was interesting. It will pay 3 months of premium if the client can bring something to them showing what the bills will be for those 3 months.

I like the idea personally because it allows people access to a car to go to work, and you need to show dire financial straights to get it. Crisis assistance helps with electric and water utilities about to be shut down, as another avenue.

Sorry, but "entitlements" are completely out of hand.

The home heating assistance program started some 30 years ago as a temporary program. Now it is permanent.

Thanks to the federal govt we are almost at a point where you can draw unemployment forever. If you can't find a job after 2 years you are not really trying.
I would advise to go to a place like Las Vegas and drink heavily. Let the chips fall where they may. Other than that, GET OUT, GET OUT NOW! DON"T WAIT LEAVE THE CA IFP MARKET NOW!

Elvis has left the building.

Dave Fluker is on his way to Vegas so I'll see all of you (so to speak) later next week when I drag my happy IFP-selling a** out of the casinos and back to the forum. Oops, meant out of the agent "educational events" and back to the office.

In the mean time a real issue with hospitals is dealing with the uninsured with no means to pay. I've read articles and watched testimony where hospitals have paid over a million for a single uninsured patient.

An ER doc once told me that his hospital only recovers 3% of charges billed for patients that have no health insurance. 3%!
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I would advise to go to a place like Las Vegas and drink heavily. Let the chips fall where they may. Other than that, GET OUT, GET OUT NOW! DON"T WAIT LEAVE THE CA IFP MARKET NOW!


I'm moving to Las Vegas in a few weeks. Does that count?
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Looks like the goons at HHS are working hard at making enemies in every state. In the HHS blog they've added 5 more companies in 5 states to their list of "evil" insurance carriers whose rate increase requests were limited to single digit increases. How HHS picks an allowable increase company-by-company, state-by-state is beyond me. There's no way they have the resources to calculate that a company can only increase it's price by 3.9% in 7 counties within a certain state! Geeez!
Looks like the goons at HHS are working hard at making enemies in every state. In the HHS blog they've added 5 more companies in 5 states to their list of "evil" insurance carriers whose rate increase requests were limited to single digit increases. How HHS picks an allowable increase company-by-company, state-by-state is beyond me. There's no way they have the resources to calculate that a company can only increase it's price by 3.9% in 7 counties within a certain state! Geeez!

Anthem just raised their rates here by 15% for new policies and most of my old ones got 20-30% increases. H1 jacked up one of my client's rates by $400/mo (about 50%) over past two years. Where you at HHS?
An ER doc once told me that his hospital only recovers 3% of charges billed for patients that have no health insurance. 3%!

That is not surprising.

I have figures somewhere on uncompensated care. When people complain about how the uninsured are "over-charged" I pull out those stats.

Truth is, the uninsured receive the greatest discount off billed charges and pay less than anyone.

Less than insured patients.

Less than Medicare or Medicaid patients.

They pay almost nothing.