Critique My Telemarketing Script Please


I also need help with creating a new telemarketing script for business to business calls. I have worked for AFLAC for 6 yrs. and as you all know, untrained agents have saturated the market and companies no longer want to talk to the 4th AFLAC agent that has called them. I am trying to avoid this objection. Any help would be greatly appreciated . Here is my current script.

Hello, maybe you can help me? My name is ______ . I am an Aflac agent who works this geographical location? I will be presenting to _______ businesses next week in your area, and I would like to schedule a short 15 minute briefing with you to explain Aflac. There is no cost to the company to offer Aflac, I'll only take a few minutes of your time. What time would be best for you to meet with me next week?

I could met about 10 am.... but only if you promise to bring that *super cool duck* with you...

Oh, sorry... I thought you were asking me when I could meet... Seriously though you have too many words and waaaaay too much time invovled to get to the point of why you called and what you want... You will have lost everyone within the 20-30 seconds that it will take you to spit all this out... Keep in mind, you are calling a business person, interupting them... they aren't exactly tickled that you called and interupted them. Soooo, you've got to get to the point of what you are offering, and what you want... and all you really want is an appointment.

Just off the top of my head... if I were selling the duck deal:

"Hi, this is Duck Man at AFLAC... The company wth the cool duck from TV. Are you familiar with AFLAC and what we offer..? [pause - gives them a chance to cut you off, hang-up, or let you proceed, if they say yes, no maybe of anything other than k*ss-off].

We have some excellent employee benefits at no cost to the employer... I would like to share an idea or two with you that I'm sure your employees would love... take just a couple of minutes; is it better to do this morning or afternoons...?"

Set the appt... and say... "Oh and we have great bennies for the owner of the company too... I'll see you at 4pm on Thursday. Thanks and have a good week."
Trying different scripts and thought this one was the best, but didnt have much luck with it today. Maybe just a bad day or bad script?

Hi Mr./Mrs. ___________, My name is Chris Hoddy, I'm the owner of First American Insurance Group. I specialize in working with health insurance benefits for small businesses and individuals.

The reason for my call today is to see what you where currently doing in regards to your health insurance plan and to see if you would be interested in looking at some options to try and lower your premiums?
Ask for the prospect this way.
"John Prospect, please."

When you get the prospect on the phone, present your offer without salutation, as follows:

This is Chris Hoddy with First American Insurance Group.
We specialize in finding the best values in health insurance
to suit each client's particular needs.
We customize every plan.
Is that the kind of of service you want?
[38 words]
(16 seconds)

If the prospect says "No," you say "Okay, good bye."
If the prospect tells you when their anniversary date is, you say "Okay, good bye."
If the prospect says "Yes," you say "Why?" Then write down everything you hear – in his/her own words.

Every prospect has heard "save you money" so many times that they are fed up with it.

Only 16 percent of all prospects have price as their number one buying decision factor. More people are turned on by value.

The best part of the employee benefits business is that about 25 percent of all prospects are unsatisfied with their current insurance provider.

Here's the real key to winning big in the employee benefits business. You must call every prospect every three to four weeks and present a different offer each time.
It can be a different offer for the same thing as last time or a different offer for a different product, i.e. dental, group life, short term disability, etc.

That is "High Probability Prospecting."
Ok....I'm new to this so bare with me. I noticed that most of you mentioned "sending out information". What does the info consist of? Don't you asking qualifing questions before you send information?
One more thing:When targeting business owners, is it to sell group for the employees or an individual plan for the owner and family?

Sorry for all the ?'s, I'm just trying to learn some things.
Ok....I'm new to this so bare with me. I noticed that most of you mentioned "sending out information". What does the info consist of? Don't you asking qualifing questions before you send information?
One more thing:When targeting business owners, is it to sell group for the employees or an individual plan for the owner and family?

Sorry for all the ?'s, I'm just trying to learn some things.

In my case info/letter is just an excuse for me to call or visit them. I try to make it look like a letter from an attorney's office (I never give out fancy brochures) with my picture on it - again plain black n white copy. A couple paragraphs with few bullet points in between. No extensive greetings or prologue. They won't remember any of it anyways i.e. if they even read it.
Well I decided to start telemarketing so no more leads for now.

I have signed up with go leads upon others recommendations and I will be calling small businesses.

I started feet first yesterday with no real script and it went ok. I called 30 people and got 1 lead out of it. I mailed them more information.

I would like more of a one step close, maybe like a non-med.

Any ideas?

Mailing people info is not really getting a lead. That is just a way for them to get you off the phone.

Try your hardest to set an appointment.

Go along the lines well I could send information but every situation is different.....just try to set an appointment and get your foot in the door.

Sending info is a complete waste of time and the costs add up.

Good Luck ;)
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As soon as they hear "financial" - you're done. They shut down and don't hear anything else you say.

Bad conotation, just like "insurance".

Gotta leave it out at the beginning. Call it "ALF"...

Yep avoid those words.....especially insurance. Freaks people out. :twitchy:
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Re: Why Over 90 Percent of All Agents Fail

We have provided sales training to thousands of Agents. Before we trained them, most said, "If you put me in front of interested prospects, I will close them. When we checked their actual productivity, we found it was quite different. Their average closing rates were between 13 and 17 percent, depending on how long they had been in the business.

Furthermore, they had visited all of their prospects an average, 4.4 times. So, for each sale they made, they wasted their time, energy, and emotional stamina on over twenty appointments with prospects who did not buy. Thus, most of their prospecting and sales activities produced a negative and depressing return.

Why did their hard work and diligent application of common sales techniques fail them?

1. "Interested" prospects seldom buy.

Top producers have learned how to find and make appointments (only) with prospects who want to buy the type of insurance they are offering.

2. Manipulation causes sales resistance.
Almost all of the tips, tricks and techniques that are expounded on these boards are manipulative.

Most top producers do not manipulate. They have learned the technologies of mutual trust, mutual respect, and mutual commitments. That is why they are highly successful agents.

Those two factors enable top producers to close between 50 and 80 percent of their prospects.

You can sign up for our free newsletter at the bottom of the home page of our website.
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