CRM Tool

Was just wondering what you guys use to help keep track of your leads and clients.

I'm just starting out so should be easy at first but I don't want to wait and then have a bunch of clients that I would need to input.

Microsoft Outlook will do everything a newbie needs..
I have an Adroid phone and i'm having problems creating data sets (actually i don't have a clue at what i'm doing) can you give me some guidance on creating the map with the pins?? I"m working an area that i'm not that familiar with, so it would really come in handy!
VaDwayne are you saying Outlook will be all I need by it's self or with the Business Manager or some other upgrade installed?

All you need to get started, but once you are established I would get a CRM designed for insurance purposes. You can use CONTACTS for customer information, CALENDAR to schedule appointments and reminders, and ONENOTE if you have it to put documents into.

Buy a copy off off Ebay. You can simply buy the product key on Ebay( or the disc), download the program off of the web, and away you go.
I think he was trying to make a point that Outlook is NOT a CRM, never has been, never will be.

Its mostly an email client, with some contact management / scheduling thrown in. It actually does a lot, just one of those things where most people use maybe 10% of what it can do.

I have an Adroid phone and i'm having problems creating data sets (actually i don't have a clue at what i'm doing) can you give me some guidance on creating the map with the pins?? I"m working an area that i'm not that familiar with, so it would really come in handy!

This is an app that I've developed...I don't know of any other way to get specific sub-sets of multiple contacts/policies/service work, onto a map, which also ties in directly with the foundational while in the field, if a Service Work is closed, now immediatly it does not show on the Map's Service Work querries.

The Batch GEO product mentioned is much more 'Static' in that regards. It would never adjust 'on the fly' while you're working in the field to updates you make to the records, which would otherwise remove or add them to the map that I'm running.
You'd have to go home each night, update your CRM, then download each dataset from the CRM, then upload each one to BatchGEO.
That's simply too much work for me. I've evaluated BatchGEO long ago, and rejected it as a solution for me.

For example, say it's Monday and I'm going out to only the Priority 1 leads (newest leads). As I go to each one, some I sell, some I make a later appt, some give me BS reasons that can't sit that day, some are not home the first go round.
So sometime about mid-day, I want most of my Priority 1 dots to be GONE from that map. I don't want to see the afore mentioned folks on the map anymore. I just want to see the ones I havn't knocked yet, and the ones who weren't home the first go round.
BatchGEO can't do that. Hence I had no use for it.

I created my own app, but I can't recomend that others try it...I basically had to stop insurance full time, and go back into IT field, to do this. After the 6 month hump hit, and the crazyness did not subside, I decided that I would not be able to continue in FE without some sort of client management system, which was mobile (more mobile than a laptop even), and which also incorportated the map.
I was having a very difficult time prioritorizing where I should be, and where I should be going, and who and when I should be calling on the phone. The moments between stops became longer and longer the more leads I had to look through to find their notes. So if I had a couple hrs in between appts, and there were 15 leads between me and the next appt, I was spending 15-20 mins flipping through leads, deciding which 3-5 were worth knocking on. I can now do this in about 15-20 seconds. All told, I figure, if I was full time, this would save me between 5-8 hrs a week. That's $$Money Time$$.
Prior, I had started having trouble using my 15-20 leads...I'd throttle down my lead count, say 'I need to see these older leads'...
Now, however...I'm 110% certian I could handle at least 30+ per week...
If I got laid off today, I would immediatly purchase 100 'B' leads, and order-up "30-50 Leads" per week, just keep each drop within a 50mile radius.
I found that it is so important to priority new leads. It is also just as important to know when to NOT stop by that one house that is never home or always give BS 'but we're interested, just next time'.
Heck, lately I've been door knocking P1 and P2s, and *calling* the P3-P4s that I'm passing by. They know me, we've met, they said 'try us next time'...nah, not worth the 10 minutes to drive into your 'hood and back out, I'll call and keep driving to a hotter lead.
Sorry to ramble...i'm kind of passionate about where I screwed up...:1rolleyes:

I don't go out often right now, with it being so dark in the evening...but the times I have hit the field with this map app (all day), I usually do $1k+, and last week I did $2.2k in one day. There was one goose egg day, but I was in a sparse area, close to home for only 4 least I moved some Priorities around lol.
A fisherman won't leave the dock w/o a fish/depth finder...there would be no point. This app is sort of like a fishfinder to me.
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This is an app that I've developed...I don't know of any other way to get specific sub-sets of multiple contacts/policies/service work, onto a map, which also ties in directly with the foundational while in the field, if a Service Work is closed, now immediatly it does not show on the Map's Service Work querries.

The Batch GEO product mentioned is much more 'Static' in that regards. It would never adjust 'on the fly' while you're working in the field to updates you make to the records, which would otherwise remove or add them to the map that I'm running.
You'd have to go home each night, update your CRM, then download each dataset from the CRM, then upload each one to BatchGEO.
That's simply too much work for me. I've evaluated BatchGEO long ago, and rejected it as a solution for me.

For example, say it's Monday and I'm going out to only the Priority 1 leads (newest leads). As I go to each one, some I sell, some I make a later appt, some give me BS reasons that can't sit that day, some are not home the first go round.
So sometime about mid-day, I want most of my Priority 1 dots to be GONE from that map. I don't want to see the afore mentioned folks on the map anymore. I just want to see the ones I havn't knocked yet, and the ones who weren't home the first go round.
BatchGEO can't do that. Hence I had no use for it.

I created my own app, but I can't recomend that others try it...I basically had to stop insurance full time, and go back into IT field, to do this. After the 6 month hump hit, and the crazyness did not subside, I decided that I would not be able to continue in FE without some sort of client management system, which was mobile (more mobile than a laptop even), and which also incorportated the map.
I was having a very difficult time prioritorizing where I should be, and where I should be going, and who and when I should be calling on the phone. The moments between stops became longer and longer the more leads I had to look through to find their notes. So if I had a couple hrs in between appts, and there were 15 leads between me and the next appt, I was spending 15-20 mins flipping through leads, deciding which 3-5 were worth knocking on. I can now do this in about 15-20 seconds. All told, I figure, if I was full time, this would save me between 5-8 hrs a week. That's $$Money Time$$.
Prior, I had started having trouble using my 15-20 leads...I'd throttle down my lead count, say 'I need to see these older leads'...
Now, however...I'm 110% certian I could handle at least 30+ per week...
If I got laid off today, I would immediatly purchase 100 'B' leads, and order-up "30-50 Leads" per week, just keep each drop within a 50mile radius.
I found that it is so important to priority new leads. It is also just as important to know when to NOT stop by that one house that is never home or always give BS 'but we're interested, just next time'.
Heck, lately I've been door knocking P1 and P2s, and *calling* the P3-P4s that I'm passing by. They know me, we've met, they said 'try us next time'...nah, not worth the 10 minutes to drive into your 'hood and back out, I'll call and keep driving to a hotter lead.
Sorry to ramble...i'm kind of passionate about where I screwed up...:1rolleyes:

I don't go out often right now, with it being so dark in the evening...but the times I have hit the field with this map app (all day), I usually do $1k+, and last week I did $2.2k in one day. There was one goose egg day, but I was in a sparse area, close to home for only 4 least I moved some Priorities around lol.
A fisherman won't leave the dock w/o a fish/depth finder...there would be no point. This app is sort of like a fishfinder to me.

Banks for the response! Most of the IT info that you talked about was waay over my head!! However calling p2 p3 leads is excellent advice!