Crybabies FMO win suit against CMS

FMOs make money off of agent production. The 48 hr rule wastes agents time. This is pretty simple.


This 1000 times over

and if they lose a good agent that is producing because if this it effects them as well
What @Packerland is failing to see - and I'm not sure why - is that we as agents don't ask for much (at least I don't and most agents I know).

FMOs do indeed make a lopsided amount, per policy, compared to those of us who, you know, actually write the business.

So, call recordings come out. Did they reach into their deep pockets and help? No. 48 hr? No - just adapt. Nothing...

Their comp threatened? Major lawsuits, big law firms, world war 3 and the opening of the $ vault.

So forgive us if we aren't ready to bow the knee to the FMOs.
What @Packerland is failing to see - and I'm not sure why - is that we as agents don't ask for much (at least I don't and most agents I know).

FMOs do indeed make a lopsided amount, per policy, compared to those of us who, you know, actually write the business.

So, call recordings come out. Did they reach into their deep pockets and help? No. 48 hr? No - just adapt. Nothing...

Their comp threatened? Major lawsuits, big law firms, world war 3 and the opening of the $ vault.

So forgive us if we aren't ready to bow the knee to the FMOs.
For those agents dissatisfied with their current FMO, I suggest considering two options: either contract directly with carriers or find an FMO that meets your specific needs.

I have spent time with my local Senator's staff and House Rep'S staff lobbying for my agent rights. I belong to NAHIP and they they lobby on my behalf.

If an FMO does not provide any value to you take one of my options above.

Let's set the record straight here. I remember when you first joined this forum, flaunting about the seemingly endless funds your upline FMO was throwing your way for marketing. Now, it's easy to turn around and criticize them, labeling them as greedy. But let's not forget, without their initial support, you'd probably still be scraping by, processing 25 or 30 apps a year. Your habit of posting earnings statements might seem self-centered to some, and frankly, you should be grateful to your upline for putting you in the position you're in today. So, enough with the hate.
I assure you I’d be doing the same vol . I’d have spent my own money . I got what I got because the fmo made massive money on me . That wasn’t his money anyway . That was carrier money they deployed to agents that could make them the most money . I’d have gotten squat if I didn’t earn it
Or, as Obama said: "@DonP, You didn't build that."
I earned every dime . You hit the nail on the head . The real issue is the lopsided override Fmo’s have made . We make $310 they make $250 plus . We make $25.50 renewals they make $12.50 . Yes they do a little for the agent and deserve some . But freakin 50-80% overrides are obscene . As you said they fought for zip for the agent as cms turned the screws . They screwed with their honey hole they spent millions on lawsuits
I assure you I’d be doing the same vol . I’d have spent my own money . I got what I got because the fmo made massive money on me . That wasn’t his money anyway . That was carrier money they deployed to agents that could make them the most money . I’d have gotten squat if I didn’t earn it
You can't have it both ways you've repeatedly said on this forum that you got all your advertising funded by you upline... that you did not spend any of your own money
You can't have it both ways you've repeatedly said on this forum that you got all your advertising funded by you upline... that you did not spend any of your own money
Yes thats true .What I’m railing against is going forward if fmo’s get overrides and marketing Dollars are gone for the agent thats bs . There will be plenty of fmo’s that will share the overrides with the agent
Will $363-MA/$105-PDP renewal still apply?

I'll praise the FMOs when they put in a lawsuit against the ridiculous 48 hr rule. The number one pure waste of time element.

And the stupid effing call recording. Yea, let's have every agent wiretap every single person they talk to and then keep AAAAAAAAALL that data indefinitely. GREAT IDEA! 🙃

Still not a peep on this from NABIP, who is basically our defacto unofficial union. Or the FMO's. I have nothing against FMO's, but I'm just very tired of agents getting thrown around out here like rag dolls.

We are the ones doing ALL the work, and then some carrier comes along and goes "money?" Nah, you don't need that...just write some of our plans for no money." Yea, how about "NO!"

Or on the Obamadontcare Healthcare Exchange when carriers yanked our pay away from like 97% of insurance plans up until like 5 years ago.

Then you've got CMS out here like...."Oh yea...agents, by the way...we're gonna have you wiretap everyone you speak to, just because. Oh, and don't speak to anyone for 48 hours anymore.

Oh, and here's a bazillion rules you have to follow. Oh, and if you break one, the carriers will probably just cut you and keep all of your pay. Oh, and if you don't pass these tests every year, carriers are gonna keep all of your pay indefinitely. SO. TIRED. OF. IT.

All I know is this injunction or ruling or whatever better not affect our well-deserved raise in renewals.
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Let's set the record straight here. I remember when you first joined this forum, flaunting about the seemingly endless funds your upline FMO was throwing your way for marketing.
Don was here long before you...just using different names. :laugh:

I've Solved the Riddle.

Two margaritas in 10 minutes in me and I've realized that peteybear, sirherbie, and goget are all the same person. Happy Cinco de Mayo.