Crybabies FMO win suit against CMS

Look. I'm not saying we are a perfect FMO for anyone. I prefer saying.... It is like a club today.

I get your hatred of FMOs. But, we worked hard to get here. L/RMOS, etc. Decades of work.

As an FMO & LMOS, ETS, WHAOIEUIEOU...I pay a lot. Just G2 license, and ads wow. But, here is the funny thing...I don't advertise for Agents. We are happy with those who hear about us word of mouth.

But, since I pay a lot...let me give you an idea.

So we all see those emails of 30000000 and you can bank it! Or, sign up...or links...or this and that.

We don't play those games. We train.

I have a new agency, down the street from us...claiming they are FMO/GA. I know they are not. This is my street.

So, I called a carrier they represent...and asked. Well, they responded they can't give out information. But, she did say...."They are not." I asked...why is your carrier NOT examining websites and more...before you visit? Her reply? Report to CMS. So on their end, 'It's numbers." On REAL FMO is getting the crap out.

And this is one story.

I represent my brokers, that one carrier stated, "You do too much, no FMO and above does this."

Not only that, our agency agrees to be the FDIC of commissions.

So, you argue ORs.

Our for you. And it depends if an FMO strictly uses it as profit, or for Brokers.

There are amazing great ppl out there. You just must find them. Hint..The best...will never sell out. Or go with companies aligned with or known with Large Agencies. And, that is all I can say.

Have a great night.