Culture Crisis


5000 Post Club
Please meet Dr Starner Jones from Jackson, Mississippi (see story below) His short 2-paragraph letter to the editor accurately puts the blame on a "Culture Crisis" instead of a "Health Care Crisis". Its worth a quick read: He is a a seventh generation Mississippian who wanted to come back home after going somewhere else for college and medical school.. His extracurricular interests are golf, hunting, fishing and college football.

This was a "letter to the editor" in a Jackson, MS newspaper dated August 29:

Dear Sirs:

"During my last night's shift in the ER, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient with a shiny new gold tooth, multiple elaborate tattoos, a very expensive brand of tennis shoes and a new cellular telephone equipped with her favorite R&B tune for a ringtone.

Glancing over the chart, one could not help noticing her payer status: Medicaid.

She smokes more than one costly pack of cigarettes every day and, somehow, still has money to buy beer.

And our president expects me to pay for this woman's health care?

Our nation's health care crisis is not a shortage of quality hospitals, doctors or nurses. It is a crisis of culture - a culture in which it is perfectly acceptable to spend money on vices while refusing to take care of one's self or, heaven forbid, purchase health insurance. A culture that thinks "I can do whatever I want to because someone else will always take care of me".

Life is really not that hard. Most of us reap what we sow. Don't you agree?

Starner Jones,MD
Jackson, MS
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I think the gentleman should keep in mind that he currently is on the public tit as well, working with the University if Mississippi Medical Center and in that capacity he needs to help further the goals of the organization which presumably is to be welcoming and supportive of all patients, come as they may. His comments reflect on the insititution that supports him. He needs to keep his mouth shut and take care of patients without regard to his personal views.

He of course has freedom of speech and can and should share his views as he deems necessary, when he goes into private practice.

And when this beomes a nation of foreign doctors as in the UK, which it will soon become, they can keep their mouths shut too when in the employ of the public. Not interested in their various biases either. If they want to form their own Jihad Clinic in private practice and mouth off then fine.

This is of course an area where reasonable men may differ and I accept that.
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