The Health Care Crisis: What Can You (Agent) Do?

United Healthcare employs around 55,000 people. And that is just one company. It is safe to assume that over 500,000 people are employed by the Health Insurance Industry. Probably more but, I am being conservative here. How many politicans want to lay off that many taxpaying Americans. If we have that kind of job loss than who is going to pay for our Universal Health Care. Lets also remember that because of Private Insurance doctors and hospitals can afford to stay profitable. They couldn't do that with a government run program with strict price controls. So evenutally you would have massive layoffs and hosipital closings in the healthcare profession.

What polictican wants to have that on their watch. They have already sent our manufacturing base to Asia now they want to reshape 1/7th of our economy and royally **** us.

Think of all the other business that is dependent on the Health Insurance industry. Computers, New Construction, Advertising, The list goes on and on. Wipe out the Health insurance industry would cripple our already weakend economy. Think the Sub prime crisis is bad. Just wait.

I dont think UHC is a political or even a practical reality. To many people depend on it. Even medicare processes claims through Blue Cross here in Florida.

To expensive......Americans only want it because, they think it would improve their lives. The reality is it would **** everything up.
After Reading you will: Understand

1. the US majority view on H.C.

2. that agents are the grassroots of saving our industry.

3. you are being called to Action!

4. that board members will be collaborating on how to get articles out to the public thus educating each city in this fine Nation and thereby creating a grassroots approach.

5. ghost health article - published in our local newspapers and magazines with our agency info. Yes, part of educating everyone is that we should be compensated for it and branded as well.

The last couple of weeks of talking about political health care objectives on these boards and the the U.S. majority asking for U.H.C. (I myself have been asking everyone I prospect and they think U.H.C. is good and would vote for it.) has caused me to create this post and CALL TO ACTION.
I challenge this Board!

To help create a ghost written health article that we all can use.

Here's what the majority thinks:

Reader's Digest Version of Michael Moore's movie, Sicko.

"Prescription to Health Care"​

1. Every US resident must have Universal H.C.
2. Health Ins. Companies must be abolished.
3. Pharmaceutical companies must be strictly regulated like a public utility.

"however, he doesn't show any detailed implementation"​


What do you want the public to know about the industry?

I'm sure this board has helped ten's of thousands of people with their health care options. Let's show them why we're so important and what needs to be done to salvage this industry.

There never has there been a better time to spend 10 minutes on your industry.

I would like us to all send the article to your local newspapers by October (mid-Oct. the latest) and again once voting starts in 2008.

So what are you waiting for?


Okay, why not post the link. This is a article or a series of articles by some Insurance Rag, is it not?