Curt Schilling: AIG Cancelled Insurance Due To 'Social Media Profile'

I just want to know how you guys think they're being indoctrinated. As in, what is the end goal of this supposed indoctrination? What are the methods? Y'all are being vague.

My wife is a teacher and we have several friends are who as well. They have to go to secret meetings reviewing the indoctrination curriculum and they're not allowed to discuss what goes on there with the public or with their family.

It's part of the blood oath that they take when they agree to become educators.
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My wife is a teacher and we have several friends are who well. They have to go to secret meetings reviewing the indoctrination curriculum and they're not allowed to discuss what goes on there with the public or with their family.

It's part of the blood oath that they take when they agree to become educators.

:twitchy: = Perfect emoji for how I reacted to this post. At this point, I can't tell if ole' Tahoe is serious or not, seeing how I haven't looked at any of his previous posts.
Vic, you need to slow down, take a breath and listen to yourself. Then look at the world. "radical lefties" want medicare for all. "radical lefties" want free college to offer equality of opportunity (not equality of result) to all.

In the last 12 months I have seen:

"Radical lefties" attack buildings and injure police night after night. Often times throwing both explosives and Molotov cocktails at officers.
"Radical lefties" release these people and refusing to prosecute.
"Radical lefties" set up an "autonomous" zone where they shot and killed multiple people, including minors.
"Radical lefties" encouraging said autonomous zone, including the mayor of said town.
"Radical lefties" attempting to storm the White House.
"Radical lefties" marching through neighborhoods chanting, "Wake up motherf'er wake up" while shining flashlights into windows.
"Radical lefties" claim that hundreds of millions of dollars in damage is no big deal because people have insurance.
"Radical lefties" surround a truck attempting to avoid a protest and shoot the driver.
"Radical lefties" attempt to barricade people inside of buildings they were trying to set on fire.
"Radical lefties" excuse looting as reparations.

I could go on, those are just some highlights. And these are mostly just things I literally saw, on video.

"radical righties," on the other hand, want to hang the VP of the United States because he didn't abide by the illegal and unconstitutional orders of the man they'd have installed, willingly and through violence, as their dictator.

You don't think there are "radical lefties" who wanted to kill Trump? Doesn't matter because they didn't try? How many people do you think were actually trying to kill the VP on the 6th? Somehow that small number is more representative of the right at large than all the people who did who the things I cited above are of the left?

Seriously, you are so emotionally overwrought at this time you aren't seeing things clearly. Turn off your news sources, log out of the forum, and just go to work for a few months. Come back at the world with fresh eyes. It will change your life.

Say that 3 times into a mirror.
I thought the "blood oath" part would make it clear but maybe we need a sarcasm emoji.

Whew! Thank God! Had you been serious, you might have gotten closer to unraveling the secret blood oath we took to only sell shitty plans to seniors who prefer blue cheese over ranch.

WTF is wrong with them?!?!? :sad:
I just want to know how you guys think they're being indoctrinated. As in, what is the end goal of this supposed indoctrination? What are the methods? Y'all are being vague.

You have to live under a rock no to see what has become of the education system just in the past 12 years not to mention the last 40 to 50 years. :no:

Then ask the question why?
No idea what you are trying to day, Vic.

Are you comparing the Democrats to 1930's Nazis?
Just a little bit of it

Couric is just the latest left-leaning public figure to suggest 'deprogramming' Republican voters and lawmakers — a term that has been associated with so-called "reeducation camps," which are utilized by authoritarian regimes to pacify political opponents.

Just a few weeks after the November election, as the Trump campaign and others filed legal challenges to election results in several states, Democratic National Committee member David Atkins argued that someone needs to "deprogram" Trump supporters.

"No seriously…how *do* you deprogram 75 million people? Where do you start? Fox? Facebook? We have to start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan. Or the failures of Reconstruction in the South," he tweeted.

And last week during an appearance on MSNBC, Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson, in a discussion with Nikole Hannah-Jones, developer of the controversial "1619 Project," used the term when describing supporters of President Trump as members of a "cult."
Katie Couric expresses desire to 'deprogram' Trump supporters, heaps praise on second impeachment

Katie Couric Asks How We'll 'Deprogram People Who Signed Up For The Cult Of Trump?' (

"There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed. It's as if they are members of a cult, the Trumpist cult, and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea how we start that process, much less complete it?" Robinson said.

During a roundtable discussion on today's edition of Morning Joe, Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson asked NY Times Columnist Hannah-Jones how to "deprogram" Trump Supporters.

Robinson asked "Here's the situation, though. We have — there are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed. It's as if they are members of a cult, the Trumpist cult, and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea how we start that process
'Morning Joe' Guests Ask the Important Questions, How Do We 'Deprogram' President Trump's Supporters? (

David Atkins

Nov 17, 2020

No *do* you deprogram 75 million people? Where do you start? Fox? Facebook? We have to start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan. Or the failures of Reconstruction in the South.
This is not your standard partisan policy disagreement. This is a conspiracy theory fueled belligerent death cult against reality & basic decency.

The only actual policy debates of note are happening within the dem coalition between left and center left.
David Atkins on Twitter: "This is not your standard partisan policy disagreement. This is a conspiracy theory fueled belligerent death cult against reality & basic decency. The only actual policy debates of note are happening within the dem coalition between left and center left." / Twitter

Leftists Suggest "Re-education Camps," "Firing Squads," Banning Talk Radio to "Deprogram" 75 Million Trump Supporters – Summit News

Dr. Bandy X. Lee, a forensic psychiatrist at Yale School of Medicine is the editor of the "Dangerous Case of Donald Trump." She has been interviewed by or quoted on several progressive online websites and appeared on Lawrence O'Donnell's show. Last summer she met with members of Congress who were exploring the idea of forming an expert panel to look into the issue of Trump's mental fitness.

Recently she was referenced in a HuffPost article "Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline."

In an interview yesterday with RawStory, "Yale psychiatrist explains how to deprogram Trump supporters who've been sucked into the vortex of his lies," she answers the question "If you had the chance to speak with Trump supporters, what would you say to them?"

Psychiatrist explains how to "deprogram" Trump supporters. (

Don Lemon: Trump Supporters Need To Be "Deprogrammed" Before They Can Be Allowed To Vote | Video | RealClearPolitics

Must be Consequences': Libs Want Trump Supporters Punished and 'Deprogrammed'
'Must be Consequences': Libs Want Trump Supporters Punished and 'Deprogrammed' (
Why is it you can't answer his question?

Not a question of can't. Not going too.

If you cannot see what is happing in the world around you, then trying to put stuff straight isn't the purpose of this forum. You have much bigger issues to deal with. Much like the client who needs coverage but will argue all day long they don't... next.