Daily Double CMS Question for the Day!

I take polls (not even joking. I have some questions with 6 yes's and 5 no's). Chances are, you'll get a different answer every time you call, and sometimes even multiple answers per call as they ask supervisors.

Gonna be a whole lot of :
-"Do I need to fill out the jr/sr thing, or can I leave it blank?"
"oh yea that's fine, leave it blank, you don't need it"
-"Are you sure? Can you ask a supervisor?"
"Hold on a minute sir...(5-25 minutes later..) OK sir, I checked with my supervisor, you do need to fill that out."
-"OK, I'll fill it out. My client is a "II (second)" not a "JR", it's what's on his SS card, license, and Birth Cert. Should I just use JR?"
"Yes, that's fine"
-"Are you sure? Can I get that in writing?"
"Hold on a minute sir.....