Day 3!!!


5000 Post Club
So day 2 was a bust. I had a bunch of door slams, not interesteds and one legs. I got to reschedule a few one legs for later this week so theres still hope:nah:

Day 3 however went a little better :biggrin:

I ran the appt I saw on Monday, that we, well you guys, figured out would go Immed coverage with RNA. I sold 2 $10K policies. One for $58/mo and the other for $97. Total for the day was $1860 in AP:yes:

Total for the week $2554 AP. And...its only Wednesday. Praise the Lord!!!:):):)
So day 2 was a bust. I had a bunch of door slams, not interesteds and one legs. I got to reschedule a few one legs for later this week so theres still hope:nah:

Day 3 however went a little better :biggrin:

I ran the appt I saw on Monday, that we, well you guys, figured out would go Immed coverage with RNA. I sold 2 $10K policies. One for $58/mo and the other for $97. Total for the day was $1860 in AP:yes:

Total for the week $2554 AP. And...its only Wednesday. Praise the Lord!!!:):):)

Good job dude! Are you working with EFES or independant?
Good job dude! Are you working with EFES or independant?

Independent. And I got these leads from cold calling off a dialer:D:D

Which Im already seeing is going to be difficult lol. I have only had time to make 1 hour of cold calls this week so far. And the rest of my week is pretty much filled. So I might be buying some leads soon.
So day 2 was a bust. I had a bunch of door slams, not interesteds and one legs. I got to reschedule a few one legs for later this week so theres still hope:nah:

Day 3 however went a little better :biggrin:

I ran the appt I saw on Monday, that we, well you guys, figured out would go Immed coverage with RNA. I sold 2 $10K policies. One for $58/mo and the other for $97. Total for the day was $1860 in AP:yes:

Total for the week $2554 AP. And...its only Wednesday. Praise the Lord!!!:):):)

Congratulations!! Keep doing the things that unsuccessful people refuse to do and you will do well. Keep it up.
You're doing great. Just consider part of that as lead money and part as your income.
1 hour of cold calling and your week is full! Ride the wave bro keep doing what is working

No, I cold called last week for 8 hours and got 20 leads. That's what I've been working this week.

I've only been able to cold call for 1 hour this week.
Is there a difference between a "Lead" and an "Appointment"

Just wondering, are you telling people you get on the phone, that you are just gonna drop by...

When you get to their door, you work your way in.

I am asking, 8 hours of calling and getting 20 is remarkable.

Your AP is awesome.
Is there a difference between a "Lead" and an "Appointment"

Just wondering, are you telling people you get on the phone, that you are just gonna drop by...

When you get to their door, you work your way in.

I am asking, 8 hours of calling and getting 20 is remarkable.

Your AP is awesome.

I just ask if they're interested in receiving some info on burial insurance. Almost everyone at the door says, "I thought you were just gonna mail something." To which I reply, "Well, we were going to, (put on biggest :)) but they couldn't find a box big enough for me to fit in."