DEADBEAT 'Dad' and paying his Life Insurance Policy ?

5. The cause of death was excluded by the policy​

Life insurance policies typically have a two-year exclusionary period for suicide, so your beneficiary typically would receive whatever you paid in premiums, but not the policy's face value. So-called "suicide clauses" vary by insurer and are designed to discourage people from buying life insurance when contemplating suicide.

Another caveat: If you're killed while committing a crime, the claim might be denied.

And last, if you don't disclose to your insurer when you apply for a policy that you have a high-risk hobby, such as sky-diving or auto racing, and you die while doing it, your insurer may decline the claim.

I have never seen a life policy in TN with an exclusion exclusion for death during the comission of a crime. Can't speak to other states.