Deals Are Unraveling


5000 Post Club
Making some calls and listening to the NPR lefties in the background trying to recover from the defeat of Original Obamacare or whaterever the frig we want to call it.

Kind of interesting. The pundits are talking about all the deals that are now OFF table. The ones with Pharma, the providers who agreed to swap reimbursement rates for volume, the insurance carriers who supported Obamacare based on a whole host of conditions, etc.

The theory/ reality is that the gloves are back on now and they dont feel like they need to cut a deal with the devil to survive so they will revert back to just opposing everything that looks like it will be government run.

That ruling by the Court allowing corporations to contribute more to candidates probably could not have come at a worse time for Obama, with an election coming up and so many corporations thinking about taking their chances with the people now rather than being intimidated by Rahm Emmanual. Interesting times.

Gonna be a bloodbath and lot of people are going to fall before it is over. Al continues to disagree with this. Just be careful you dont step on the bodies while you thinking about it. There are plenty already and we have not even started to see the fallout from the dirty plan that Obama tried to run with.
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I know how goofy this may sound, but the GOP's MA victory may be the best thing that could have happened to the Democrats.

Underline "could".

The Dems were headed right to the cliff, being driven there by the left wing of the party. Looking at their comments after the MA debacle, I suspect that cooler heads will prevail and they'll make room for some GOP input. The more clear-thinking Dems like Bayh probably have more clout now, as a result of MA.

If (big, big "if" there) the Democrats allow for some REAL bi-partisan input on health care reform, the race will be on as to who gets more credit: The Democrats, because they're in power, or the GOP, because they came "to the rescue".

Remember, Clinton gets credit for the 90's economy, but it was his partnership with the GOP Congress that created it. Balance, baby, balance.

Either way, we can probably expect even more BS from DC than usual.

Remember, Clinton gets credit for the 90's economy, but it was his partnership with the GOP Congress that created it. Balance, baby, balance.


Oh, there is nothing goofy about speculating that this could be good for democrats because it is but it is all relative. They could have taken the entire health care system off a cliff and had to face voters next fall versus just having a major failure and 8 months to try to do something people approve of. They live to fight for another day now. Of course it is harder when both legs have just been blown off but it is better than a certain death.

In regard to Clinton's partnership with the GOP, that is true. Tis also true that the people sent him a republican senate and house which he had no choice but to "partner" with. Obama doesnt have that yet.

Also, Clinton had at least some part of his brain that was not socialist and could go toward the center to survive. We have not seen that in Obama yet. As we have discussed many times, all of Obama's power comes the ability to give free stuff away. At some point sooner or later (and we are getting closer) he will not be able to just offer free stuff and watch everyone go glassy-eyed. Then we will see what his power base is. Plenty of glimpses already at how that is wearing thin.

To that point, expect lots of talk about Haiti in the upcoming State of the Union address. That is a made-for-Obama scenrio. First of all it diverts from domestic problems. Second, he is able to exercise his enormous power to give away stuff with no financial considerations at play and just watch the crowds love him, and lastly, he can emphasize over and over how American is not just a bunch of warmongers but we also do some good stuff every once in a while and we should be doing more good stuff. That is made for Obama. Apologize for America and hand out free stuff at the same time and divert away from domestic concerns that he is killing the goose that lays the golden eggs around the world.

Obama = apology + free stuff. That is the formula for as long as it works. When it doesnt. He won't.

And lastly, did I mention that that administration neglected Haiti for so long that is was poorly equipped to deal with a catastrophe like this and they were suffering from world (ie. American) neglect even before the earhtquake and it is our responsibity as neigbors to help them.........(shoot me please.)
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