Delivering the Policy

Sorry, I didn't realize this forum was only for agent in the Final Expense market. Having worked that market as well, I can understand where everyone is coming from now! I just reacted to the question without checking out the context in which it is asked! OOPS!
Your forgiven! LOL! For those of us who work with all ages, you gave some great advise!
For those of you that deliver, you have made a very strong point for it. My question is how do you plan for that. Whether you work by county or by city, 3 weeks later when the policy issues, you'll be in another county or city... won't ya? Do you just wait until you got a batch of them and knock 'em out in a day? Just curious. I work a 75 -100 mile circle around my house and it seems like a huge distance from one side to the other. Maybe I need a smaller circle, but I'm not exactly in a metro area.
Along the same idea, I know JD said he works a couple of hours from home in some rural areas. How large of an area, like if you put a pin in the middle of the area you cover.... what kind of radius in miles?
Thanks for any and all input. I would really like to add this to my activity, but I am definitely in the learning stages of time/lead management.
