Dental for Dad in Ga.

Time/Assurant dental plan is overpriced and underwhelming in benefit. Delivers very little value to the consumer.

Only two things positive I can think of.

You can use any dentist.

The commissions are high.
Thanks Bill.

Bill I was curious, do you sell Assurant's dental plan? Trying to figure out if it is a decent plan and I value you opinion. If you want to elaborate that would be nice too.

I hate dental, any dental plan. All hassles, no pay. There is no way of ever satisfying a client, and they are never worth the money. There is no such thing as dental "insurance" with the annual caps and waiting periods. The best way that I know of to give the client value, is to sell them a dental discount plan that their dentist accepts, and then tell them to use their HSA to pay for the discounts (most of my clients own HSA's). If they do their cleaning/xrays, they'll get their money back. Discounts then tax deductions is the best way to get your dental cost down.

I've sold the Assurant plan a few times, I don't have any feedback from customers who are on it.