Dental Insurance Coverages


New Member
I need to have major dental work performed with extractions. I have 3 dental plans, a primary, secondary and tertiary. My annual policies limits are below.

Primary - $1500.00
Secondary - $1250.00
Teritary - No Max. Pays $55.00 per extraction

The extractions are going to be performed over the course of several visits, so my question is this. Let's say for the first visit. The total bill is $2000.00 and my primary insurance covers $1,000.00 of that. If my secondary policy also cover at 50% for extractions, would that contribute $500.00 to the remaining balance, so the out of pocket would now be at $500.00? Once it was to this point, let's say that the $500.00 is the cost of 2 extractions, would the teritary kick in and pay $110.00?

I'm looking for in general how this would work? Any assistance would be appreciated.
Why in the hell would anyone pay for 3 dental plans?

Most dental plans have notes that you cannot use in conjunction with other coverage.

If one of them is a cash plan paid direct to you, then you might be able to sneak that one in as a secondary plan.
Why in the hell would anyone pay for 3 dental plans?

Most dental plans have notes that you cannot use in conjunction with other coverage.

If one of them is a cash plan paid direct to you, then you might be able to sneak that one in as a secondary plan.

Well, think about it. Let's say that you have major work that needs to be performed that totals $10,000.00 and you have the below 3 policies.

Policy 1
Annual Max: $1500
Co-Pay: 50%
Annual Coverage Cost: $600.00

Policy 2
Annual Max: $1200
Co-Pay: 50%
Annual Coverage Cost: $500.00

Policy 3
Annual Max: $1200
Co-Pay: 50%
Annual Coverage Cost: $500.00

2 Policy Scenario:
Total Dental Work: $10.000
Total Policy Costs: $1100
Total Covered by Insurance: $2700
Total Out of Pocket Costs: $8400

3 Policy Scenario:
Total Dental Work: $10.000
Total Policy Costs: $1600
Total Covered by Insurance: $3900
Total Out of Pocket Costs: $7700

As you can see with 3 policies you're saving $700.00, in reality, it's actually more than that because I went kind've on the high-end for the policy costs.:)

Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll try contacting my insurance companies and see how all this would work.
Most dental plans have notes that you cannot use in conjunction with other coverage.

Good luck with that
Off the top of my head, and not knowing anything about the plans nor your dental needs, I would agree with Somarco. Math very rarely works out for you in this scenario.
If I needed that much work, I would just ask the dentist if he would take $7500 not to have to bill three separate insurances. Betting 9/10 dentists would.
I don't think its going to work, because Somarco is right, but I disagree on how to go forward. Don't call the carriers.

Ask the dentists office to figure it out. And ask more than 1 dentist, preferably in a different city. Dental prices vary widely between offices.
Kgmom. So you want the dentist office to tell policyholder how the carrier will adjudicate the claim?
Kgmom. So you want the dentist office to tell policyholder how the carrier will adjudicate the claim?

As a first step? Absolutley.

They are the ones with the codes. The carrier is going to give a lot of b "if, and, but statements". Nothing concrete. I would definitely dump it on them. Plus, its dental. Depending on the carrier, they should be able to pre-adjucate the claim at the carrier sites.