Dental Insurance for Implants

You said : The thing that it appeared to me that you were asking is if one could purchase dental insurance and have it cover dental services provided prior to the effective date of the policy.

I wasn't. I was asking if there is dental insurance that covers implants. Not that it would cover before the effective date.

Actually, that is not true. Your first question follows:

Anyone know of a decent insurance company covering implants for new members (after waiting periods - if applicable)? This is for Pennsylvania.

In that question you asked for a qualitative judgement (read OPINION) about the company names provided to you. I believe you received four company names, 1 from another member and 3 from me.
-(If you took the trouble to go through the link from ds4 you would find a Delta listing and a Renaissance listing that include coverage for implants.)
--(I do have an electronic brochure from the company travis price sells and it states that the plan covers implants. the only link I have for it is from another agent's website so I am not posting it here, and I worded my post as I did.)
---(And--all three of the suggestions I brought to your attention have been referenced by agents in other dental insurance related threads on the site.)

So, you DON'T want opinions. Just facts. Here we go:

I have seen online literature from the following companies indicating they have at least one plan that covers implants:
Delta Dental of Pennsylvania
Ameritas/GPM 2500 plan
National Care Dental
----The owner of the site recently made several posts saying he had just become CEO of this company and you can PM him for information.
Mutual (of Omaha) Protector and Preferred Plans
Physicians Mutual

You will note that the dental implant coverage "opinion" link I gave you in a previous post includes Delta Dental and Spirit. With my previous post and this one, you have 3 Delta options to consider, and 2 Ameritas options to consider.

A followup comment to your crown question, When looking at the Physicians Mutual coverage I found a list of covered procedures. It had a lengthy listing of dental codes for crowns and another lengthy listing of dental codes for crowns related to implants. I will let you develop your own opinion about what that might mean for the answer to your question.
Actually, that is not true. Your first question follows:

I don't know why I'm even bothering. but again, that's not what I was asking. Dental insurance can start immediately for preventative services and have waiting period for comprehensive. Therefore, I was asking if anyone knew of any company that would offer it after waiting periods. But definitely not (what you said) "The thing that it appeared to me that you were asking is if one could purchase dental insurance and have it cover dental services provided prior to the effective date of the policy."

Again you're validating my points I made earlier about your commenting nonsense.

I saw the companies getting mentioned. Never said I didn't. I was only remarking on the way you convey yourself within this community.
I don't know why I'm even bothering. but again, that's not what I was asking. Dental insurance can start immediately for preventative services and have waiting period for comprehensive. Therefore, I was asking if anyone knew of any company that would offer it after waiting periods. But definitely not (what you said) "The thing that it appeared to me that you were asking is if one could purchase dental insurance and have it cover dental services provided prior to the effective date of the policy."

Again you're validating my points I made earlier about your commenting nonsense.

I saw the companies getting mentioned. Never said I didn't. I was only remarking on the way you convey yourself within this community.

Some of the companies I mentioned in my posts provide insurance without any waiting periods, the 2 Ameritas companies would be an example.

I believe Travis Price's Delta plan is also available without waiting periods.

Others will waive waiting periods if a person has prior coverage-an example might be someone coming off group coverage going on Medicare.

You would have to confirm with Sam, but I believe NCD is an example of that situation.

Delta KS waives waiting periods, don't know if the same is true for Delta CA/Delta PA.

And this:
To your knowledge, does any companies perform services on implants? Like crowns? after the fact?

is a very vague question. You want a clear answer, you have to ask a clear question.
I have seen it work too, although maybe not often.
Some plans (such as BCBS in some states) do have a lot of dentists in network. But maybe that doesn't exist in some other states.

I've thought that one benefit of having insurance is to encourage people to go twice a year for their "free" checkup and cleaning even if technically they might be spending more overall than they would otherwise. A lot of people end up with serious problems when they don't have regular checkups.

Group dental however is often quite a bit better than Indy dental. I know I've saved quite a bit on some procedures through the years when I have had it.

(not an agent.)

Appreciated seeing your post.

I've been considering if I temporarily need some additional dental coverage and evaluating my current situation to think about the best way to put treatment needs between 2021 and 2022. (Today I have also learned that multiple policies don't work quite the way I thought they did, so I think there may be a point of diminishing returns on multiple coverage.)

All I can say about BCBSKS is wow! I took it on as secondary in Dec and used 90% of the annual benefit in one month. I will max it out this year by the end of July. In the past I have not wanted a $55 / mo dental plan, but this has been pretty helpful. As you say, the network here is broad too. I guess you could say the problem with it is that the allowed amounts are high enough to draw in the dentists and then their basic category payment rate is 80%, so when you get into the big ticket stuff, $1,500 in coverage evaporates pretty quickly.

I will probably keep it some beyond getting my current dental problems fixed, so one way I am using it that you did not mention is as a time payment plan. With approx $6,000 to $7,000 retail in expenses for fillings, root canals and crowns in 7 months, I could have gone to care credit to set up payments. With BC (and my UHC primary) I have gotten the effect of network repricing and then monthly payments on the balance that the insurance paid. People have laughed at the amount of work I've gone to to get that in place but it has worked well for my situation.
I believe Travis Price's Delta plan is also available without waiting periods

I didn't read all of the information, but the plan I offer (I'm not really allowed to disclose the plan company name, due to marketing standards of the Association it's paired with.)

It does have no waiting period, but does not cover implants.
I didn't read all of the information, but the plan I offer (I'm not really allowed to disclose the plan company name, due to marketing standards of the Association it's paired with.)

It does have no waiting period, but does not cover implants.

I've pm'd you two links for info I found on what I thought the plan you are offering is. Both of them mention implants in major services.
Also, I apologize, I did not know about your marketing restrictions, I will be more circumspect about mentioning carrier name in the future.