Desktop Vs Laptop

Yes, with no problems. It is a great little piece and clients think it's "cool". I highly recommend getting one, price is right too.

Thanks, I like that they seem so light. Less threatening than my giant Dell. It is like putting up a wall between me and the client. I can get a pretty good picture off of my EVO, but would like something a little larger.

Last question, What model do you run?

Thanks again.
I'll sleep on it, Vol. Perhaps I can do better tomorrow.;)

You better! Or I'll go all STI on your a** and take away your forum spellchecker badge and delete those posts. Let's see if you even qualify for the 500 Club after that!

Desktop & netbook w/ Clear 4G USB dongle thingy for internet.

I was thinking about one of those handheld LED projectors for people who complain about the small display on my netbook. :idea:
Last question, What model do you run?

Thanks again.

I'm not sure the model number since I purchased it over a year ago for $250. It's an Asus Eee with an 8.9" inch screen, a true mini. Just basic features but remember I only use it for quotes & online apps nothing else.

Here's a generic internet pic, only difference mine is black