Developing Software for Insurance Agents and Need Your Input

Hi everyone,

Please forgive the cross post but I believe I posted this in the wrong place initially. Trying to make up for that by putting it here.

Full disclosure: I am starting a software development company and I am looking to understand the most pressing issues today's agents face in order to see if I can help with those issues. I am not selling anything, just listening.

I've been speaking with agents recently to understand what pain points might be occurring in the industry today. I've been asking questions such as:
What is the most important activity in your business?
Is there any pain associate with that activity?
What do you spend most of your time doing?

Through those discussions, I've heard a few things come up that I wanted to get this groups opinion on.

1. "Referrals are my most important means of lead generation."

Do you agree with this? What processes do you use to help you with referrals? Do you do any sort of a referral program to provide incentive for referrals to your customers? If so, what do you do? If not, would that sort of program be of interest to you?

2. "Retention percentage is very important to me."

Do you agree with this statement? Again, do you use any process to try and improve your retention rates? What have you found to work / not work? If there were software to help improve your retention rates, would you use it?

3. "I generate my own leads between myself and my team. I would be interested in a system to train my team in how we come up with leads."

Would you agree with this statement? Do you buy leads or do you shun that practice? Do you have a system to generate your own leads rather than buying them? If so, what works for you and what doesn't?

My hope is that I can focus my attention on something that would really be a help to this community. Again, not selling anything, just looking to listen and learn.

I would really appreciate your thoughts on the issues I've heard from agents and if they are off base, I'd like to hear that and know your answers to those top questions about what is important to your business.

Looking forward to head from you!

Brian Milner
How is it coming along?
Followup is key, many have already said that! Having to touch and input clients info several times is a pain in the neck. Also, being able to scan and attach documents to the client would be a great feature!