Diabetic List

Just a question, but if I go to my bank and buy a CD, at what point does that become public information that anyone can buy? My bank's gonna sell that list? I don't think so.

You need to know some bank robbers. Just have them pick up the list while they are in there getting the cash the next time. It has been the most cost effective way for me to obtain these lists...
www.wsponton.com sell bank cd holder list.

They claim it's a CD holder list, but of the folks I know that have actually purchased a list from them, none have felt confident that it was actually a list of CD holders. That could mean anything, but it didn't really inspire confidence. It also doesn't pass the smell test.
I agree with the above posters. I worked in banking for 10 years in a previous life. There's no accurate, outside way of determining who purchases (and redeems) CDs inside a particular bank. Surveys leads? LOL...ur wasting ur bread. Any bank account (SAV, DDA, TD/CD, MMA, etc) is not public information (I didnt say gov't, to be clear). Unless Ponton has a way of pulling 1098-INT information from tax returns it's anybody's guess...jm2c
My bank has a privacy policy - in that that business I conduct with them in private. If bought a CD, then some time later I got cold called with the caller knowing I had a Suntrust CD I'd sue Suntust into the dirt - as would anyone else who's bank sold their information.

I might go as so far to say that there is no such thing as a "CD" list and if you're being sold one, you might as well ask them to send you a can of unicorn horns.
why not just put a road sign in front of the bank saying Annuity's are kicking CD's in the butt with your phone number..........
What about sad and depressed Bulldog fans? :1frown:

Go Tigers! :D

We would have won that game if they didnt drop the ball 3 different times.

I went ahead and paid the $30 somethings dollar a year and got stop the ads on that. It is a good program.