Difficult to Place

Yeah RNA missed it by one little question. I think I'll just wait a month and write it 5 star graded. It'll take that long to get contracted with GPM.

Though is the graded product with GPM where they shine?
Though is the graded product with GPM where they shine?

Nope... they shine just about all the way around. Rate-wise they will be lower than 5 Star 80-90% of the time; smokers would be the exception but then Americo will be lower there. To your point GPM will do GDB on someone one day removed from HA, Stroke, CA, etc., so yes they do shine in that area as well, compared to almost all other carriers doing ROP on the same situation.

Diabetics: GPM is 80 iu's or less and no age limit when started taking insulin. For N/S Level rates GPM will typically be the lowest quote on the quoter, with the exception of Gleanor Pref rates, but then you are talking certificate vs policy. The only other exception is older ages; 79-85, but they are still right there at the top. All around they are tough to beat, IMO.

GPM also has a 20-49 product as well which seems to be decent and a child policy to 2 wks to age 14 which is great too. Covg doulbes at age 18 while prem remains the same, plus 6 guaranteed purch options, all for 10 bucks per month, avg rate.

I guess I'm done with the commercial now but they are a good company that is very agent friendly too.
Nope... they shine just about all the way around. Rate-wise they will be lower than 5 Star 80-90% of the time; smokers would be the exception but then Americo will be lower there. To your point GPM will do GDB on someone one day removed from HA, Stroke, CA, etc., so yes they do shine in that area as well, compared to almost all other carriers doing ROP on the same situation.

Diabetics: GPM is 80 iu's or less and no age limit when started taking insulin. For N/S Level rates GPM will typically be the lowest quote on the quoter, with the exception of Gleanor Pref rates, but then you are talking certificate vs policy. The only other exception is older ages; 79-85, but they are still right there at the top. All around they are tough to beat, IMO.

GPM also has a 20-49 product as well which seems to be decent and a child policy to 2 wks to age 14 which is great too. Covg doulbes at age 18 while prem remains the same, plus 6 guaranteed purch options, all for 10 bucks per month, avg rate.

I guess I'm done with the commercial now but they are a good company that is very agent friendly too.

Are they F2F only or will they do mailed apps?

Nope... they shine just about all the way around. Rate-wise they will be lower than 5 Star 80-90% of the time; smokers would be the exception but then Americo will be lower there. To your point GPM will do GDB on someone one day removed from HA, Stroke, CA, etc., so yes they do shine in that area as well, compared to almost all other carriers doing ROP on the same situation.

Diabetics: GPM is 80 iu's or less and no age limit when started taking insulin. For N/S Level rates GPM will typically be the lowest quote on the quoter, with the exception of Gleanor Pref rates, but then you are talking certificate vs policy. The only other exception is older ages; 79-85, but they are still right there at the top. All around they are tough to beat, IMO.

GPM also has a 20-49 product as well which seems to be decent and a child policy to 2 wks to age 14 which is great too. Covg doulbes at age 18 while prem remains the same, plus 6 guaranteed purch options, all for 10 bucks per month, avg rate.

I guess I'm done with the commercial now but they are a good company that is very agent friendly too.

Nice. Who's got a good contract for them?
GPM is f to f only, also nice si term product now, with a 3 year look back, converts to their FE whole life
56 F NT

Diabetes has been on insulin since 17. But just had bariatric surgery 10 weeks ago and now is not on insulin or pills.

Had a TIA feb 2012.

Misses 5 star graded by 20 lbs. But she's lost 50 lbs in 10 weeks so should be down in a month or so.

Any options now? I looked at RNA but no go with insulin before 50.

Gleaner Life
One-Step Whole Life.
2 year ROP, pays full commish...they do direct contracting.
MC Tins... What's Gleaners rates compared to the options I laid out for him?

Sent via my Sprint Galaxy S4 using Insurance Forums

I told you, it's LL Cool Tins.
Don't know rates, I have the software on a different computer. I can tell you with no uncertainty, the rates are either better or worse.