Direct Sales of Life Insurance Increasing

I'm in San Antonio, Texas.

Don't really get any resistance at all. I do the poorer neighborhoods as well.

What products/carriers are you selling, if you don't mind my asking? I'm in Austin.



That's a really good post. Doesn't just apply to debit sales either.

One very profitable concept that's lost in the current "lead junkie" mentality of many agents today is that the best source of leads is from existing clients.

The best use of purchased insurance leads is to use them as "referral seeds".

Agents who over deliver on providing valuable customer service, who expertly mine thier existing client base for referrals, will NEVER have to purchase leads from anyone.

There. Fixed it for ya! ;)
DM is only 10% of the market.. a market that is static..The problem is there aren't enough people doing it the old way. People aren't buying because they are not being approached. Tells me the market is wide open for folks that want to do it the old fashioned way.

What he said.

Trade journals have been "predicting" the end of the agent for decades.


My "managers" at UGA basically told me this when I wouldn't buy into their lead program...nor could I since I didn't have the dough.

I said I'd cold call business to business. One flat out laughed at me - said it didn't work - waste of time.

I wrote $260,000 in placed business within the first 3 months, won a contest to go to Cabo, paid off a car loan then went to Disney.

I'm glad I didn't listen to their advice.

$260,000 premium in three months????
