Dirigo or Diri-gone?


5000 Post Club
As some folks know. Maine elected Attila the Hun as governor last week. No love for Dirigo. That is for sure.

That is the good news. The bad news is that the dems transitioned the whole thing over to a shell game that was just using medicaid funds anyway, or mostly medicaid (I am actually not up on the internals of the program. Stopped following it long ago when the program stalled out). So now it becomes another one of these "why cut a program that is generating federal revenues" type of arguments.

What a mess. The commies are good at what they do. Yeh, elements of it will look like they are terminated but then reconstituted with obamacare money. What a mess. The feds were just up last month with a huge dog and pony show to congratulate the dem governor and his administration for dirigo and Maine's leadership in health reform.

What a mess. Frigging tortured soap opera has been going on for years. Finally the state found what they think is a successful formula for running a state health program: Just sign em all up for medicaid. Oy!

LePage likely to target Dirigo | The Kennebec Journal, Augusta, ME
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What a mess. Frigging tortured soap opera has been going on for years. Finally the state found what they think is a successful formula for running a state health program: Just sign em all up for medicaid. Oy!

We call that TennCare in these parts.

Tennessee is also hurting budget wise, so our Governor-Elect Haslam looked into the budget during his campaign for programs to cut. Pre-kindergarten got mentioned, so the teachers and the Democrat candidate tried to make a big deal out of it.

Government entitlement programs are a hydra. You can't kill them.