- 19,578
You are 110% correct here. Insurance companies will hang their agents out to dry in a New York minute. This isn't about having the insurer coming to your defense. It's about having your E&O maintain it's defense.
How would there ever be an E&O problem is you made no error nor omitted anything?
If you answer the questions on the app peoperly and answer anything asked on the agent's report I can't where a problem would arise.
The companies pay thousands of dollars to design the applications. We are not to read anything into them or out of them.
Of course the company can. I just did a POS interview today and the rep came back on after going through the application questions and started asking the lady questions that were not on the application. Such as a heart attack 5 years ago when the application asked 2 years. They asked about a cancer 6 years ago when the application asks 2 years.
The company can sure bend their own rules but the agent better not.