Doctors Cut Back on Seeing Medicare Patients as Another Pay Cut Looms — Those still seeing Medicare patients struggle to stay in private practice


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Will his independent practice be able to survive another Medicare payment cut? That's what Terre Haute, Indiana internist Pardeep Kumar, MD, wonders each day as the next round of cuts looms.

"We have to see," Kumar said in a phone interview. "We have around 40% of the population of patients that are on Medicare ... Our overall ability to sustain as a private practitioner is significantly under distress because of these cuts."
[EXTERNAL LINK] - Doctors Cut Back on Seeing Medicare Patients as Another Pay Cut Looms
Biden and Kamala continually throwing seniors under the bus. Same as the flood victims and their $750 to do exactly what with???? What an absolute insult to humanity. How anyone votes for this I will never understand.
the flood victims and their $750 to do exactly what with????
It is urgent aid for food, shelter, clothes, etc, Also Disaster Recovery Centers all over flood area The immediate $750 until they can submit paperwork for massive FEMA aid for repairs, deductible on home insurance (if damage covered) or funds to help replace homes. Also Disaster Unemployment Assistance. It is a declared disaster area with a massive amount of Federal assistance often by SBA etc.

The agencies have a massive job now with two major disasters as they have for decades in disasters. Not perfectly but humans at the many agencies with huge tasks for massive number of disaster victims.
It is urgent aid for food, shelter, clothes, etc, Also Disaster Recovery Centers all over flood area The immediate $750 until they can submit paperwork for massive FEMA aid for repairs, deductible on home insurance (if damage covered) or funds to help replace homes. Also Disaster Unemployment Assistance. It is a declared disaster area with a massive amount of Federal assistance often by SBA etc.

The agencies have a massive job now with two major disasters as they have for decades in disasters. Not perfectly but humans at the many agencies with huge tasks for massive number of disaster victims.
I know what it's for. My point is, there's no reason it can't be a LOT more. $750 goes nowhere nowadays.

Under that kind of massive damage and stress, that's enough for maybe 3 days, depending on size of family. And then what?? That number is an absolute insult. Anything less than $5,000 is, until they can receive more money for help.

They also still don't even have that money yet. All of the victims on the ground report not even seeing FEMA at all. Also, not sure if you heard, but Kamaliar-led FEMA is almost broke. They spent all of their money on illegal aliens who have literally no business in this country.

FEMA's response and action to this has been nothing short of a monumental joke. Republican Governors of other states, Like Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott, along with Elon Musk and President Trump, are doing more to help these victims than anyone.
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Yep, that is the disinformation from the usual sources. Most of the "Illegal aliens" are legally in the US under PL I believe 170. The Refugee Act of 1980 states that non-citizens on U.S. soil have the right to request asylum if they fear for their life or freedom. The U.S. has codified its obligations under the Refugee Convention to not return people to harm.

Most of the illegal drugs are coming through the major US border entry points, which are overwhelmed, and a recent report shows that about 8% of cars in massive lineups at some border entries are able to have a drug dog screen for drugs.

The problem is not enough judges. The Harris proposal (similar to what Heil Trump ordered Senate to ignore it to make it a campaign issue.... Besides the massive increase in funding for border control, hire many more judges and those claiming refugee status have a court hearing within 48 hours to allow status or not and return to home country.
Yep, that is the disinformation from the usual sources. Most of the "Illegal aliens" are legally in the US under PL I believe 170. The Refugee Act of 1980 states that non-citizens on U.S. soil have the right to request asylum if they fear for their life or freedom. The U.S. has codified its obligations under the Refugee Convention to not return people to harm.

Most of the illegal drugs are coming through the major US border entry points, which are overwhelmed, and a recent report shows that about 8% of cars in massive lineups at some border entries are able to have a drug dog screen for drugs.

The problem is not enough judges. The Harris proposal (similar to what Heil Trump ordered Senate to ignore it to make it a campaign issue.... Besides the massive increase in funding for border control, hire many more judges and those claiming refugee status have a court hearing within 48 hours to allow status or not and return to home country.
?? Wow did this train derail. The point is, they don't belong here. Period. I don't care what act or what law. These people all cost us tons of money for nothing, and I'm well beyond sick and tired of paying for them. I have no clue what you're talking about with drugs and cars lined up. My post didn't even remotely mention any of that. The problem is, these people all need to immediately be sent back home, and they're not.
We desperately need more immigrant labor. From low end farm workers, hotel and high end tech. We just had a blowout jobs report far better than expected and low unemployment and a booming economy (better than most of the world). But an aging population.

Asians send some of the best to our Universities on student visas, and then they can not stay so we send them back to compete against us.

By any measure we need more working immigrants to pay taxes especially for social security as population ages and lives longer.

Studies show immigrants have a lower crime rate than US citizens and given work authority are a needed benefit for culture and economy unless you are the Ku Klux Clan for a Christian White only country.
We desperately need more immigrant labor. From low end farm workers, hotel and high end tech. We just had a blowout jobs report far better than expected and low unemployment and a booming economy (better than most of the world). But an aging population.

Asians send some of the best to our Universities on student visas, and then they can not stay so we send them back to compete against us.

By any measure we need more working immigrants to pay taxes especially for social security as population ages and lives longer.

Studies show immigrants have a lower crime rate than US citizens and given work authority are a needed benefit for culture and economy unless you are the Ku Klux Clan for a Christian White only country.
Guy, you seriously need to get out of the mainstream bubble of lies. The jobs report is all lies. They overinflate the jobs numbers to look good, and then quietly go back in at a later date and revise the real jobs numbers that are insanely lower.

You can't even attack the source, because the source is literally from your

Unemployment is also a fraudulent statistic. Once someone is no longer collecting unemployment insurance, they are no longer counted as unemployed, despite still being unemployed. Ask anyone how insanely difficult it is to find a job nowadays and they'll tell you.

This also has nothing to do with race, so please stop with the very played-out and ridiculous "yOu'Re a rAcisT" gaslighting. It's beyond insulting and just shows me you're a piece of garbage.

My family also encompasses people from a few different backgrounds. "Illegal alien" is not a race of people.

You're under a heavy amount of brainwashing. I'd say seek help, but I know it's FAR too late.
We desperately need more immigrant labor. From low end farm workers, hotel and high end tech. We just had a blowout jobs report far better than expected and low unemployment and a booming economy (better than most of the world). But an aging population.

Asians send some of the best to our Universities on student visas, and then they can not stay so we send them back to compete against us.

By any measure we need more working immigrants to pay taxes especially for social security as population ages and lives longer.

Studies show immigrants have a lower crime rate than US citizens and given work authority are a needed benefit for culture and economy unless you are the Ku Klux Clan for a Christian White only country.
Why are we not sending air conditioned busses down to pick them up in Mexico then? Why are we not screening out the criminals and allowing the best of the best? Why is it like some kind of hunger games contest to get here?
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