Does any MAPD or PD plan cover liraglutide?


100+ Post Club
Victoza not being manufacturing paused to produce more Ozempic.
Liraglutide is identical generic , but can't find any Part D or MAPD that cover it.
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Victoza not being manufacturing paused to produce more Ozempic.
Liraglutide is identical generic , but can't any Part D or MAPD that cover it.
You’ll need to file for an exception. Most plans will encourage the client to switch to another GLP. For the plan, the bio generic probably isn’t any cheaper than the branded alternatives once you adjust for manufacturer rebates. And the other GLPs have similar side effects and similar efficacy.

I’ve found this is also true with Wegovy, the weight loss version of Ozempic. It has a new indication for heart disease risk, so Pt D covers it but no one has it in their formulary. You have to go for an exception. Unsurprisingly they’re usually denied but not always.

Hope this helps.
Yep kinda what I've found out just can't believe the crap behind the scenes.
Victoza manufacture quit making for rest of year to focus on printing money making Ozempic. Liraglutide runs $ 675- 800 with GoodRX.