Giveaway Marketing Questions


New Member
I am licensed in FL for health/life. I have my first event tomorrow (it's a local health fair). I want to do a drawing-style giveaway. My question is whether I am able to use the slips as permission to call cards (there would be a disclaimer at the bottom saying that filling out the card is giving me permission to contact them regarding whatever product categories they check - there would be categories for health, medicare, final expense, mortgage protection, IUL, funeral concierge, legal plans, etc). Obviously, I want to stay compliant - this would not have any information about specific companies or plans, just general permission to contact for whatever product lines they are interested in. The market planning on attending is all ages but mostly families and seniors.

Any advice? Resources on further laws or guidelines? TIA
As far as using the drawing slips for permission to contact, I'd assume this would be fine, as long as you have the required terminology there like you mentioned.

As far as the gift, that might violate CMS' "discrimination" policy for nominal gifts. The gifts must be offered to all beneficiaries, their language not mine. So the drawing could technically be discrimination because only one I assume will receive the gift. Unless you mean you'll give all beneficiaries a gift, then it would be fine.
Call your state's Bureau of Insurance...they'll give you the exact statute that will talk about the legality of gifts and the monetary limitations in your state.