Does Anybody Know of a Good "list" Company?

How are you getting $.04 - $.05? That is an excellent price. The best I can find on USAdata is $0.10 per name.

Are you using a special promo code that you care to share with us?

Do LRG and you'll get a better price on the same data.
Only 3.5 cents a name with USA DATA if you are a moo contracted agent.

Although I have not ordered from them I was told that those lists have an age range as opposed to the month and year of their birth. A list with an age range is useless to me. I must have the DOB.

I think they have lists with a DOB but they are a few cents per name more.
LRG also equals awesome. I work with Rob and he takes good care of me.
Although I have not ordered from them I was told that those lists have an age range as opposed to the month and year of their birth. A list with an age range is useless to me. I must have the DOB.

I think they have lists with a DOB but they are a few cents per name more.

Frank, why is a list with an age range useless? Don't you ask them for their age when you quote them? Or do you trust that the age listed on the list is accurate?
I come from the industry with over 20 years of experience. Most "list companies" are selling the same data. There are only a handful of original compilers, and most of the data is shared. The key is finding a sales rep who will take the time to understand what you are trying to accomplish and knows how to fit a list to your needs - to keep you coming back for more.

For Medicare Supplement leads you need reliable age data, and women by name. Women respond to insurance offerings far more positively than men. So even if hubby is turning 65 - talk to Mrs. not Mr. and address her by name - if you have it.

Knowledgebase Marketing is the leader in Med Supp marketing because they have the most reliable age data in that age range (they have the exact month of birth - many others guess the month as either Jan or Jun), and more female names than any other provider.