Does Anyone Know when the Additional Payments for MA Plans Will Be?


New Member
Has anyone heard anything about when CMS will notify the MA and MAPD companies to release our new enrollment payments? The payments for ICEP's and new to Advantage plans. Has anyone talked with a company head or CMS official regarding this?
Has anyone heard anything about when CMS will notify the MA and MAPD companies to release our new enrollment payments? The payments for ICEP's and new to Advantage plans. Has anyone talked with a company head or CMS official regarding this?


CMS had previously told plans a rough time frame of the end of February. Some companies haven't made any announcements about these payments because nothing is definitive yet. End of March/ first part of April is probably a realistic bet. I heard a rumor that Health Spring has already begun making these payments, maybe it will come in phases by plan? The good news is that once they start funneling the information back to the plans it should be on a regular basis.
I'm pretty sure we won't be recieveing them until a republician (or an independent) is back in the White House.

President Obama thanks you for your free service to the country though.
consider it found money if you ever get the other half. This was the last straw when they basically mandated that we get screwed out of half of our commission. Do you honestly think they are hard at work, poring over every new advantage sale and trying to figure out if they had ever been in an MA plan before? Because they are worried about us getting paid? I don't think so.

I quit selling them at that point, and made more money with Supps/Annuities anyway.
Good news! They are done.

Everyone has been paid that is getting paid. If your application had any "hanging chads" it was not counted and you will not be paid on that one.
Good news! They are done.

Everyone has been paid that is getting paid. If your application had any "hanging chads" it was not counted and you will not be paid on that one.

Scott, you are probably right. But, I also heard that it may have gone to AIG's bailout plan. The government did not have money for both.
Wonder how many agents were planning on using this money for paying income taxes?