Does Anyone Know when the Additional Payments for MA Plans Will Be?

What gets me is that some marketers are still promoting agents to sell the MA plans. Do your self a favor and stay away from them right now. Obama may send you a charge back or tax you 95% on them.
What gets me is that some marketers are still promoting agents to sell the MA plans. Do your self a favor and stay away from them right now. Obama may send you a charge back or tax you 95% on them.

Obama was not President when these cuts to agents happened. These drastic cuts in agent compensation were made under the watchful eye of the one and only W.

As to the original poster's question. I have a pretty good idea of "when" and the bad news is that it already happened.
Obama was not President when these cuts to agents happened. These drastic cuts in agent compensation were made under the watchful eye of the one and only W.

As to the original poster's question. I have a pretty good idea of "when" and the bad news is that it already happened.

Obama wasn't the President, but he did vote for MIPPA in July as a Senator. "W" did a Veto on this bill remember? It was the Democrats that got a 2/3's vote to overide "W". The issue they used to pass it was that the Medicare Fee schedule to doctors was going to be cut back 10.6%. You can thank those (insert your insult here) congressmen who were on that committee for adding all the crap (Crap= cut in our pay, no calling seniors, etc) to that fee schedule bill.
Don't blame "W" for the issues with M/A's You can blame him with many other issues, just not that one.
Obama wasn't the President, but he did vote for MIPPA in July as a Senator. "W" did a Veto on this bill remember? It was the Democrats that got a 2/3's vote to overide "W". The issue they used to pass it was that the Medicare Fee schedule to doctors was going to be cut back 10.6%. You can thank those (insert your insult here) congressmen who were on that committee for adding all the crap (Crap= cut in our pay, no calling seniors, etc) to that fee schedule bill.
Don't blame "W" for the issues with M/A's You can blame him with many other issues, just not that one.

You blame him for what you want, I'll blame him what I want.
Lets stay on topic here folks, "who" "said the rest in June".....Which company?.....If anyone hasn't heard than don't be making things up......lets all try to really find out from up lines etc as to when....UHC mentioned "in a few weeks" back in the middle of March, that's the last I've heard.....enough of the no pay, stiff the agent stuff...lets stick to finding out.....I know that there have been information updates, just not released to the agents yet....I'm not worried, there are sooo many levels of people to sue per our contracts my attorney friend hopes they do back out of the payments, but even he laughs as mentioned there is nooo way they would open themselves to that type of liability nor the wrath of 50 state insurance'll show up soon....all screwed up for sure...but it will show
I'm not worried, there are sooo many levels of people to sue per our contracts my attorney friend hopes they do back out of the payments, but even he laughs as mentioned there is nooo way they would open themselves to that type of liability nor the wrath of 50 state insurance commissioners...

Hey partner, let me give you a clue:

Your attorney friend has a woody because all he sees are billable hours - whether you make a friggin' nickel or not.

So you're gonna sue the federal government, AND the big insurance companies? Think they have enough attorneys to tie you up in court for about fifty years?

No wonder your "attorney friend" is poppin' a chubby - at your expense of course.
No expences to me, no "billable hours".....just talking, ..and who said to sue the federal government ?.....I have a contract with a private company, who is under the eye of the state insurance commisioner. You think the insurance companies are never sued ?.....and lose?.....every day "partner".....If you thought you would'nt get paid why would you sell?...... believe me the insurance companies will get there money, probably already have...their the ones to go after....but heck, i'm not going to lose 1 minute of sleep over it, it'll be there......but like i said it'll be all screwed up,lol