Does Budget rental need to know about this?


I live in Fl. and have been driving a rental while my car is having a transmission replaced.Did not take car rental insurance as I have full coverage with Mercury with 1000.00 deductible.Last night while backing out of walmart parking spot I hit a car that was also backing out behind me at the same time .Police came and facilitated information exchange with other driver who has progressive.He did not do a accident report or charge anybody with fault but he told me if it wasn't a parking lot incident where nobody claimed to be injured he would have charged me with fault because based on the angle of the damage on other driver car she it appears that she was already fully backed out and starting to turn when I backed in to her which may be correct but as far as I know we were both backing out at the same time.Police did say that both parties have 10 days to file their own accident report if they choose.

The damage to the Tacoma 4wd truck is a dented plastic corner bumper cover which I can have replaced for about 200-400.00 or even possibly fixed with paintless dent repair.The damage to her car was far worse because my high bumper crinkled her rear/side corner so probably about 800-1500.00 damage.Any possibility my insurance wont hear from her insurance company if she feels I was at fault and files her own accident report since nobody was charged? I am worried that rental company will charge me a lot more for the damage if they get it fixed and of course my insurance rates going up.( haven't had an accident in over 30 years) I haven't contacted my insurance agent or carrier yet
Don't know if rental company will accept you arranging repairs. Usually parking lot accidents are handled 50/50 because of private property and each insurer covers their own vehicle. Your collision, your policy. Check coverage on your credit card
Don't know if rental company will accept you arranging repairs. Usually parking lot accidents are handled 50/50 because of private property and each insurer covers their own vehicle. Your collision, your policy. Check coverage on your credit card

I was hoping rental company wouldn't even know if I had the plastic corner bumper cover replaced or just make it look a whole better myself with a heat gun and touch up pen and hope they don't say anything.It is a 4wd truck and already had some minor body blemishes.My Visa does have Auto rental collision damage waiver for the first 15 days of rental unfortunately I am in day 21 of a 30 day rental agreement.

If it is handled 50/50 will my insurance still be alerted to accident by other drivers insurance?
If you don't report it in a timely manner they can deny the claim. If you attempt the fix you are not the owner and could run into pushback from any shop. If damage is identified after you turn it in at the end of rental you could again be denied because you have not given proper notice to your insurance company. 30 years with no claims, stop worrying about a rate increase
If you don't report it in a timely manner they can deny the claim. If you attempt the fix you are not the owner and could run into pushback from any shop. If damage is identified after you turn it in at the end of rental you could again be denied because you have not given proper notice to your insurance company. 30 years with no claims, stop worrying about a rate increase

Thanks for advice.BTW I just got an email from my insurance company about a claim so I guess they already know.
Thanks for advice.BTW I just got an email from my insurance company about a claim so I guess they already know.

I would have predicted that this morning had I caught this thread.

Now report it to the rental company and take your lumps. It'll be worse there if you mess around with their vehicle.

The 50/50 parking lot thing is a myth. Even parking lot accidents determine fault by the details. That you hit any part of the side of her car suggests that she was, indeed, already backed out when you hit her, thus making the fault yours. An experienced adjuster will figure that out as fast as the officer did.
I would have predicted that this morning had I caught this thread.

Now report it to the rental company and take your lumps. It'll be worse there if you mess around with their vehicle.

The 50/50 parking lot thing is a myth. Even parking lot accidents determine fault by the details. That you hit any part of the side of her car suggests that she was, indeed, already backed out when you hit her, thus making the fault yours. An experienced adjuster will figure that out as fast as the officer did.

I have contacted rental company and will file my own accident report. If I started to back out before she did but she was backed out faster who's to say who was at fault ?