Does Hair Matter?

Ah... I understand now. No need to worry, I may sound feminine at times, I even drink an effeminate coffee, and like to give hugs... but I am very comfortable with my masculinity and all the manliness that goes with it. :yes:

That's totally fine. I just don't want to to get catfished by Roy.
I had an Afro almost that big in high school.
Honestly, no matter how hard you try to reverse it, it is just not possible. I say shave it and rock it with confidence. People won't stare at your head or really care, they care what you have to say and offer.
Honestly, no matter how hard you try to reverse it, it is just not possible. I say shave it and rock it with confidence. People won't stare at your head or really care, they care what you have to say and offer.

:wideeyed:you mean all those old ladies who laughed at me, were buyers all the time but I just didn't know?