Does Hair Matter?

My wife bought a stack of insurance policies from an agent, before I got into the biz. He was short, overweight, and mostly bald, but he was older and dressed very well.

She loved that guy, he was a fatherly type and had a very pleasant personality. I really think that the hair/no hair has more to do with personality than anything else.

If you're mean, they're not going to buy from you anyway, but if you're mean and bald, they might be more inclined to call the police, rather than just ask you to leave - all the prison movies, and what not, haven't helped the cause.
I can't believe how many replies this thread has gotten in one day! Who knew that Mark's alopecia would be so interesting to so many people.

I think that you need to do a single-blind A/B A/B test. You will need both a skin wig and a regular wig.

You will need to have another person put one of the wigs on you each morning. You should not look in the mirror all day. This way you won't know which wig you have on. (This is the single-blind part.)

Keep records and after a hundred calls or so, you should have enough data to determine if bald Mark or hairy Mike is the better salesperson.

Or you could do what would do. Ask your wife. And don't just listen to her words, watch her body language and listen for her voice inflection.

My wife doesn't mind my salt and pepper hair, but she hates it when I grow a beard. It comes in all white now.

My most important sales are to her so I don't grow beards any more.
Mark, you start some really different threads. By the way I think you would look distibguished bald.
Mark, people aren't going to refuse to buy from you because you're bald.

They are going to refuse to buy from you because you are SHORT.

You're paranoid about the wrong thing.
Looks can give you an advantage when it comes to this business.

I'm not saying it is all about looks, because we know it is mostly about skill.

A lot of this business is not just writing a person up, but prospecting and people tend to open up more to you if they think you have a good image.

I even got braces 6 years ago because I thought it would help me close more sales.

People just everything from your hair,teeth, weight, cloths, car you drive any just about everything they know about you.

The other day, I had some cute red head knock on my door trying to sell me something, but because she was really cute and funny, I gave her 30 mins of my time and even ended up buying from her. If it had been an ugly guy, I would have not gave him any of my time to try and sell me.