Does MDRT Even Matter Anymore?

Finseca is on the rise, primarily by combining with other associations. Now with a $500/year membership option (as opposed to their higher priced $1,500 a year), and the merging of GAMA, NAILBA, and Forum 400... they could be the pinnacle and de-facto association to join.

Only time will tell.

I am wondering how relevant the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) is anymore to an agent's career.

I see little talk from agents about MDRT, and little to no content produced.

What's your thoughts? I put together a survey to collect agents' perspectives on MDRT, and am planning on doing a write-up over the next few weeks regarding my findings.

If you're interested, you can click here to participate in the survey.

Thanks =)

It's just as relevant today as it ever was.