Does the V.A. Report to the M.I.B.

I've heard this as well and have had to submit records requests to the VA. Kind of a pain as it slows down the underwriting.
Not to dive into politics, but also to protect themselves... the politicians it seems like.
The VA, does used the available health insurance of veterans. (if they have any)Not sure if they send information to MIB. I have been using the VA, the past couple of years, They give very good care now!. Because they are getting funded by the government. That was not the case 40 years ago. I remember calling my wife, to come get me out!!!!!
I've always been happy with the VA. I'm still not sure whether the info ever makes it to the MIB as I've heard opposite answers to that very question.
Makes me wonder how they can get them when they are contesting the claim but not when underwriting (other than the fact that there is more hoops to jump through).....???
I wish that UW guy who used to post here would surface again.

Simple really..

If they hold out for the info during underwriting, they might not get to issue the policy. If they hold out for it when contesting, they get to hold onto the death benefit and may not have to pay out.
I remember reading that VA agreed to submit to MIB, can't find that now. I email MIB this question.

Even if they agreed to, they don't report to MIB. I've had a few vets check, nothing there.

Medicaid is also this way, at least in IL. They are supposed to report but don't.
Got a reply to my email inquiry. Per Sue from MIB Privacy Department:

The VA doesn't report directly to MIB...only insurance companies report to MIB.