Does the V.A. Report to the M.I.B.

Clean sheet?. The VA will use a vets insurance if they have any. The VA covers the holes in his/her health insurance.
Clean sheet?. The VA will use a vets insurance if they have any. The VA covers the holes in his/her health insurance.

For some reason I thought this question was in regards to applying for life insurance. I guess maybe because it is in the FE forum?:goofy: It was a joke anyway, I wouldn't recommend anyone to clean sheet an app.
For some reason I thought this question was in regards to applying for life insurance. I guess maybe because it is in the FE forum?:goofy: It was a joke anyway, I wouldn't recommend anyone to clean sheet an app.

This is a serious forum for serious professionals. You have no business being here.

Your post has been reported for not being professional.

BTW, what's a VA?

This is a serious forum for serious professionals. You have no business being here.

Your post has been reported for not being professional.

BTW, what's a VA?


Variable Annuity.... and no, variable annuities do NOT report to the MIB. Professional.
Why does anyone or anything report to Men in Black?

Because there are extraterrestrial alien refugees living in disguise among us. Life insurance carriers are the key to tracking them! There is a reason the refer to us as Agents!