Don’t Be Afraid of Failure!


5000 Post Club
Don't be afraid of failure!

I talk with a lot of new agents that are so afraid of failure or messing up.

The true is you will have to fall down a couple of times before you learn to get back up.

In order to figure out what works, you first have to figure out what don't work.

It is okay to create new ideas that other agents are not doing to prospect for business.

It is okay to go bold and try an idea that you may want to try.

I can't tell you how many times I have failed trying something new in this business. But for the fact that I tried and learn from my mistakes, I would not be where I am today.

If you are going to do this career, then you need to give it everything that you have. Learn this business; spend some time and money growing your business.

Fear is a powerful thing. I've been afraid to do things like cold call, door knock, and hand out water bottles to people. But all of these things did end up working for me. Fear could have stopped me from making some of my biggest commission's checks.

Be Bold and go after what you want and don't be afraid to try something new. It is okay if you try something and it does not work out. Learn from your mistakes and keep on going.
So true,

Also, this is sales, the most successful producers in this industry are the ones that fail the most.

If your not failing your not succeeding.
I've failed so much over the last 25 years, one could make the case that I'm really more afraid to succeed. Sad but true. I'm working on it, though.
The top producer in the country last week probably heard more "I need to think about it", "I don't have any $", "no", etc. But they also got more "yesses".

Amazing how this thing works isn't it?
Edison is said to have made the following statement (or some variation thereof).

"I did not fail 1000 times. Rather, I found 1000 things that did not work."

It is all a matter of perspective.