1) Politics affects health care and insurance/medicare/medicaid policies (and social security which affects the income people have to pay for premiums, health care, meds, procedures, etc.).Yeah… it's not beneficial for newbies to know that door knocking is a CMS violation. Newbies are better served by conversations about politics, doctor shortages, Americans burning through their savings, wegovy not being cost effective, the price tags of the IRA, and other such conversations.
Y'all are a joke… lol
2) Doctor shortages affects access, which in turn may or may not affect accepting OM or MA's if they have more than enough patients with insurances that pay at a higher rate
3)Burning through savings may affect medicaid access thus whether or not they are dual eligible and whether or not, if they have health enough problems that OM + supp is a better choice due to premiums +MOOP could well be less
4) Wegovy, with how expensive it is affects how much the "D" portion needs to eat and thus figure out how to pass on (so other drug prices) since those people will hit the $2k early in the year and the D's need to "eat" the rest. Then they need to figure out how to pass those losses along to the rest of the people on D to cover it, then other drugs become unaffordable to some people on D whether or not they are on OM
5) IRA's are related to senior income overall which affects whether or not the lower income ones have the money to access health care, pay higher premiums or higher MOOP's of the MA's, afford their meds which affects their health, which can drive up health care costs as they access it more thus drive up premium costs...
Understanding the environment in which seniors live helps us understand what may affect their choices and what choices may work best for them.
And yes newbies need to know what they can or can not do as well as these other things, Both serve all of us as it may not just be newbies, for example, knocking on doors, and everyone who sells OM supps or MA is affected by what is going on that can affect what we sell or us selling those things.
The name calling and trashing of others that goes on in some of these threads by a subset of the forum membership is not helpful for discussion or for anything else. That should end.
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