

New Member
I am currently in the process of finding a new job while also looking to enhance my education in the insurance industry. I have experience in employee benefits, but I want to transition back into sales, specifically in Medicare. I already hold my insurance license. What certifications would you recommend for me?
Welcome to the forum and best of luck on this new phase. I am not in Medicare, only have done group business. But I do have a suggestion. I obtained many group/health certificates over the years, not for the knowledge but for the cash my company paid me for taking the course. I would assume it is the same in the medicare world, just get what you need and do not rely on them for that much education.

Best way to learn is to go out there and start doing it.
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I am currently in the process of finding a new job while also looking to enhance my education in the insurance industry. I have experience in employee benefits, but I want to transition back into sales, specifically in Medicare. I already hold my insurance license. What certifications would you recommend for me?

You need AHIP to sell Medicare products, that's the place to start. Once you have completed ahip you'll need to be appointed with carriers and pass their individual certificates
I have my AHIP and appointments with carriers, I am looking further my education via certifications, courses etc
What is your objective that you're looking for?

I've never sold nor been trained in Medicare. But I know enough about it to be dangerous.

You cannot have a certification or call yourself a "Medicare Expert" or "Certified Medicare Expert" or anything like that.

There is a designation course called IRMAA CP: Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount which is the thresholds when you pay additional premium for your medicare coverage.

[EXTERNAL LINK] - Get Certified Now - Home - IRMAA Certified Planner

I have not taken it, but I could see how the course could help you to have follow-up conversations with people who have higher retirement income, particularly from retirement savings and wealth accounts to move them from 'taxable' to non-taxable.

So it wouldn't be a Medicare sale, but more of a life insurance, annuity, Roth conversion conversation.
I forgot to mention I have my Life License as well, I am going to look into the IRMAA course and if I have any questions I will post them