- 15,041
Sorry, but difficult for me to agree with you completely. Yes there were many people who purchased less than adequate coverage, but that was their choice. With all the regulation around marketing, I find it hard to believe that those who enrolled did not have the information needed to understand what they were buying. Sure, there there some who did not understand, maybe many, but it was their responsibility. And keep in mind, ACA proponents will tell you that it solved the problem of people getting access to healthcare. We all had access to healthcare prior to ACA.
I have a lot of respect for you Lee. You really know health insurance. But on this, I have to disagree with you. If they were truly capable of understanding health insurance and how it worked, they wouldn't be working at Denny's for under $10 an hour.
And if people were truly capable of understanding insurance, why do we need agents? The biggest value of an agent is explaining things in a language you can understand and helping you avoid pitfalls like this.
So no shame on the Denny's employees who signed up because they didn't know better. Shame on the insurance company and agent for representing this to them as real health insurance. And shame on the HR people who agreed to offer the plan to their employees.