Hmmm. Hire tons of (non-qualified) union employees with ultra rich benefits. Have the customer put on hold for hours, transferred back and forth and have a terrible experience. Or, outsource this role to qualified, experienced, licensed agents that won't cost the state a penny, acutally be revenue-positive, who will work for pennies on the dollar, and will insure that the customer gets on the correct plan, and provide excellent customer service.
You're right. Poor service = clients only use exchanges if they have no other option.
I'm beginning to feel complacent about this - like the govt can do whatever they want with navigators. Higher earners won't qualify for subsidies and would rather purchase outside the exchange anyway. I'd rather have those as clients anyway. And they'd rather purchase privately and use professional advisors. They are also the best source for cross-selling. Win-win.
As for exchanges, if the govt ends up allowing the subsidies outside the exchange, then exchanges and their navigators are dead in the water, for pretty much all categories of clients.