Equal Protection of the Law


5000 Post Club
Just heard that Nelson was promised that Nebraska would not have to pay any state share of medicaid expansion if he caved.

The Constitution states that we are all entitled to equal protection of the law. By what standard does Nebraska end out being special? The people in my state are poor too, and the people in my state are having a base closing or two, and the people in my state are suffering in this economy just like everyone else. And we have a lousy health insurance system too. By what legal principle does the federal government intend to tax dollars from the people in my state and all other states to subsidize a bribe to the State of Nebraska Can someone explain that to me?

Obama and Rahm threw every dollar and bribe they could at the state of Maine to buy two votes which they were not able to do. Now we are being penalized along with other states to subsidize Nebraska and Louisiana. Pay for your own goddam whores. Don't go taking money from some folks in my state who have to do real work for a living and pay taxes to support all the Obama give-away programs.

If Louisiana or Nebraska need help from my state, all they have to do is ask. They can have all of our stimulus money as far as I am concerned because it is all being wasted. But dont ask us to contribute to payments to whores.

What the hell is the matter with everyone. This isnt right. Politicians should be removed from office for this stuff, not appear before cameras with a big Cheshire cat grin talking about how they have finally won.
This stuff has to end. This is just raw Chicago bribery.

I just saw Olympia on TV a minute ago and lord knows she has taken a lot of abuse lately for even talking to Obama but as I have said that does not automatically mean someone is lining her pocket just because it is true for other states. She was asking aloud to the CNN reporter "what is the rush to pass a bill before Christmas that is not scheduled to be implemented for another four years." Olympia is a very high integrity person. She could have anything she wanted from Obama right now but that would make her a whore like Landrieu, Specter, and Nelson. Tis better to commit hari kari first and die with honor.
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Stupak is quoted as saying the Senate version on abortion is not acceptable. This bill will not sail thru the House. Not saying it won't pass, just saying it is not a rubber stamp.
All of my predictions so far on health care reform have been wrong, except for the fact that they would forget what they started out to solve (which is why its hard to predict an outcome, when the outcome is actually meaningless).

With an almost perfectly wrong record in mind, my next prediction is that the House will vote on the Senate bill. There will be some other votes passed to pay for those bribes, but rather than risk going back to the senate, the house will simply swallow their pride, pass the Senate version and send it to the President, then start amending it.

Actually, in fairness, it hasn't passed the Senate yet. I'm not sure you won't seen another Senator or 2 suddenly realize they can get whatever they want on this bill. There may be a promise or 2 for when it comes back to the Senate.... Hmmm, interesting priorities and conflicts.

All of my predictions so far on health care reform have been wrong, except for the fact that they would forget what they started out to solve (which is why its hard to predict an outcome, when the outcome is actually meaningless).

With an almost perfectly wrong record in mind, my next prediction is that the House will vote on the Senate bill. There will be some other votes passed to pay for those bribes, but rather than risk going back to the senate, the house will simply swallow their pride, pass the Senate version and send it to the President, then start amending it.

Actually, in fairness, it hasn't passed the Senate yet. I'm not sure you won't seen another Senator or 2 suddenly realize they can get whatever they want on this bill. There may be a promise or 2 for when it comes back to the Senate.... Hmmm, interesting priorities and conflicts.


Health insurance or responsibility for it is just another federal program now. There will never be a time in your life from here on out where there will not be some amendment pending. That process will start almost immediately after any legislation passes. Voted for the bill with medicare cuts in it and are afraid of the voters? No problem. Just introduce an amendment to restore the cuts.

And so it goes........and will for decades.
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Stupak is quoted as saying the Senate version on abortion is not acceptable. This bill will not sail thru the House. Not saying it won't pass, just saying it is not a rubber stamp.

Public option is not in the Senate bill and is in the house bill. Gonna be some bumping and grinding there for sure.

"It" will eventually pass because Obama needs to sign something. Whether there is anything left in the "it" that appeals to either libs or conservatives has already been determined. No one knows what these bills are until they are flopped out on the floor and then no one knows what kind of a pig you just bought when the bidding is over.

Obama has zero legislative skills. The White House introduced no legislation of its own and Obama just told Congress to come up with something and he would sign it. Thus, we got just what we got. A complete mess.

Obama is good at anything that requires him to get on a plane and go make a speech and leave them tingley. (although Copenhagen and the Oympic bid would indicate that also is wearing thin. Anything that requires him to do detailed grunt work, he can't do. He can observe others doing it and given them pep talks but he does not have a feel for real work. We have seen this in his career from early on. While most Harvard Law grads could be found a couple years later beginning to immerse in something that required a detailed grasp of a particularly field, where was Barry? Out giving pep talks and leaving people feeling tingley at community organizer meetings.

Health reform needed a true legislative architecture to go with it instead of the outcome of a food fight and bribes. The mad scramble to get something signed is causing them to flush the entire thing down the toilet so that they destroy the free market but dont replace it with a workable system. What a mess.

As Mr. Bill would point out, this is classic Cliven-Piven whatever theory. It is hard now to make a case that the Canadian system is better than what we have. Just hold on for a few years. Same thing happened in the GI states. You would think that their experience would cause them to want to go back to the free market, but no, they want to go onward and upward by just booting the bills for their messes up to the feds.

A camel is a horse designed by a committee.
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Winter, with all this talk about tingly feelings I am beginning to think you are Chris Matthews incognito.
Winter, with all this talk about tingly feelings I am beginning to think you are Chris Matthews incognito.

Could be some similarities. I must confess that when that guy from the Black Chamber of Commerce kicked the crapola out of Barbara Boxer that I got a tingley feeling. I would use whips and chains on that beech any day of the week. So who knows, I could be a closet San Francisco lib. And because quantities that are equal to same or equal quantities are equal to each other, that would make Al and I joined at the hip.

What a great country!

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All of my predictions so far on health care reform have been wrong, except for the fact that they would forget what they started out to solve (which is why its hard to predict an outcome, when the outcome is actually meaningless).


Well if one of you guys was a thief, a liar and a member of the mafia, maybe we could get a solid answer about what is going to happen since these folks up there are obviously career criminals.
As I stated in my original post: By what legal principle does the federal government intend to tax dollars from the people in my state and all other states to subsidize a bribe to the State of Nebraska Can someone explain that to me?

It's about time someone spoke up. Just saw Lindsay Graham on CNN and he is ripped over this bribe to Nebraska and saying that it is flat out unconstitutional and that he has people in his own state who have needs as well and that South Carolina should not be subsidizing bribes to Nebraska. Your damn right. It is a complete violation of the equal protection clause. He said that he is asking the attorney general of South Carolina to look into it.

Amen Bro. What the hell is wrong with everyone that they are not outraged over this. Have we become a nation of whores?
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Ah, yes....the "constitutionality" argument....that one shall be interesting. Jail time for "offenders"? We shall see.

For a brief moment in time, we should all revisit the Cloward-Piven Strategy, as it has been enacted on the legislative branch of our federal government, with great effect. Just another couple of Columbia heads?

We are in scary times, indeed.
