Equal Protection of the Law

Sadly, this is how politicians get the job done. This happens more often than anybody cares to know about, selling your vote to get something in exchange.

While I don't care for the method, I take my hat off to Ben for getting something for his state out of the deal. After all, isn't that his job? Get the best he can for his constituents?

The other thing that happens here is it will become a lightening rod for moving the bill forward. Again, something will pass, but I really doubt this will stay in.

Sadly, this is how politicians get the job done. This happens more often than anybody cares to know about, selling your vote to get something in exchange.

While I don't care for the method, I take my hat off to Ben for getting something for his state out of the deal. After all, isn't that his job? Get the best he can for his constituents?


No, he brought dishonor to himself, the senate, and his state.
The "60th" vote no longer matters. The bills will be merged in a committee, when the final draft is ready the House and Senate only need a simple majority.
The "60th" vote no longer matters. The bills will be merged in a committee, when the final draft is ready the House and Senate only need a simple majority.

In theory. In practice it is more murky as always.
It is largely believed that this bill is in conference now. Problem is, to my knowledge, there was no formal vote to put it into conference and to establish a conference committee so it is actually in "informal conference."

If a there had been a formal vote to send it to conference then the rules would have required that the minority be allowed to participate (ie. the republicans) and not only do the dems not want the republicans participating in it, they dont want to buy into all the parliamentarian requirements that go with formal conference.

"Informal conference" means basically that Harry Reid and Pelosi keep getting together over coffee or a beer and try to hammer out something they thing will work by rifling it back and forth with the members to see what will fly. When they think they have something that will work then they move for a floor vote in the house and introduce amendments and if they are accepted then fine.

Now it goes back to the Senate for a vote of approval which will only require a simple 51 votes to pass. Problem is, because they did not go through formal conference and the rules that go with that, they now need 60 votes to get it out on to the floor for a vote and 60 to end debate if there is a motion for debate. The dems keep cutting corners on the transparency and it bites them along the way.

Actually I think it is even more complicated than that.

And so it goes.............
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