Eventually all Medicare non Commissionable

Let me know if you are ever in the area and I will take you mullet fishing.
I'm packing now.

And you need to come up here and fish with me.

I mainly fish the creeks and rivers up here. We'll run some limb lines and maybe do some noodling.

My two boys refuse to go with me. Same with golf. Seems I have a thing with snakes and gators. Every time I see one I've got to stop and play with it.
My SIL's father had a liver transplant about 5 years ago at Mayo in Jacksonville. His employer group covered that. When he became eligible for Medicare he enrolled in a MAPD. He is not 65. Mayo quit accepting his MAPD so he now only has original Medicare. I advised him to go on his wife's group insurance. She is with the school system. He didn't. Now he has been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer and is taking chemo. The 20% is adding up quick. I have tried to talk with him multiple times in the past and he has never bought anything from me. Now they are selling their home and my SIL just found out he has no life insurance. Too late now. His wife will be burdened with debt.

I'm assuming he plans to fight the cancer. If I'm wrong, Part A hospice is a wonderful benefit.

He may consider applying for financial assistance from the health system. In many areas, you just need to be under 400% of the FPL and, in some scenarios, the income can be higher with other qualifying circumstances.

Hospitals do very little to advertise these programs, partly because federal law limits how it's done. So I try to spread the word whenever possible.

I hope something I said might be a little helpful to you.